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Warrior Stadium, a project . that could be complet– ed by the end of the month. "How long exactly, I'm not sure," ECCC foot– ball coach and athletic director Terry Underwood
''I'm not sure what all goes into it ... but with good weather, they might be done by the end of the month." The old light poles at ECCC's stadium were taken down last week. They will be replaced by eight brand new, concrete poles that will be erected as U1e weath· er permits. "1 believe they're going to be really nice and I know it'll be an upgrade over what we had," Underwood said. "It's been a good while coming. We've been need·
ing new 1 ights for a while because our lighting was just not in great shape." " Underwood said he wasn't sw:ej how long 1 'the old poles and lights> had been tin place. l "That's 1 a good question " he I ' . I chuckled. "They may have been · there since the stadium was built ; . . they also may have been ; replaced, but I've been here over : a 1(}- year period and I know we : haven't changedt them in that See UGHTS. Page 3B
Beginning today, youngsters from across the area will con– verge on the campus of East Cen– tral Community College in Decatur for the first of various sports camps this month. And while those youngsters will notice a slight change on the ECCC landscape it won't be nearly as drastic as the change Warrior football fans will notice this fall. East Central is in the midst of :-eplacing its lighting system at
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said. ''But I feel certain every– thing will be ready to go by the time we play our flrst football game.
"Usua lly, 111e loss poks, thing we've needed for a the rncire I)J'ight tho lwhts long time, and now it's a reality. We should be able fi~lt like the~ eight c;o11c tvl<' to light the field a lot bet- tcr for our football games Wl ... It'll Ill' .lll and any other activities li)l'
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