ECCC drops pair of games to Southwest Marty Stamper EMG sports assistant DECA ruR · Any time a
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Corey Hornsby pitlk-<1 the Warriors cv<.•n at [l(i.!)t'i with a pair of fri..oc:~ lluitWS with 4:25 left, but SiHtthwesr' Josh Matthl~Wtl h11ded ' ' ,) pointer with ~~:55 I<• l~(• to f)UI the B<.•.us up I)O·Stj Marnts lillk•t, 11 l~t •f;hfnM• (rom Fml Witlllln lletwh, Fin tl\l'n hit !i·ol·ll r.,~c tltrmv:lln givt~ thl: Htw·s 11 (,9.,-, I ac'lv11u tag\! wilh only 30.tl second ldt
team fails ·to take advantage of its opportunities, it's ask– ing to come out on the wrong l'nd of th\' score. East Central Community C oll found that out the hnrd w:ty twin• Monday night as tlw l . Hughes looks for" Wll)' IHilllilll Suuthwest's Man:uc; f:Uiott. Photo by Meridian Star. ECCC However, I ht• I ady Bears got a 3· pointer I rom Sabrina Ard with six rninull's show– ing for a 60 5H ll•ad . Elyse Willis hit a trey for ECCC's final IL•ad (61-60) Set~ f:CCC on B2 remainmg 71 uTior~ trailed .nit' as the Lady l·half points I )owning. ....
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