
EC baseball team still chasing playoff berth By ROCKY HIGGINBOTHAM Si>(lrts Edirvr

ond. Tall) impMcd hb n~ord to 6-2 on the sea..un 1n the opener, as he 'cat– rercd Sl\ h11' and didn't allcm il run until the lifth. By that lime, the War– nors were up 5-0 Michael Dunn. Dexter Sellers and Jake 1\e~ter aJJ had doubl~ lor ECC C. whtch overcame four error' b) nut– hittmg the \Vohc!\ 10-6. ln the IICcond game. East Centrnl pounded out I:! htL"' and got a home run from Dunn in an 11 -0 blnwout. Brent ~c\lillan allowed JU.'t three base hm ro gel the victor"\ while 'iestcr had a p:ur of double' Sclkr-. also had another double. Again!>! Hmcb Ale\ Sb~.:p trd (l ..J) earned the win in the 10-Q contc~L "hilc Jonathan Ta) lor got hi~ hr~t pitchtng VIctory of the ~ea,on tn the J 1-1 \\Ill • Ea.~t Central\ sotibaJJ team .tbo wrapped up ts 2003 camp:ugn I~L week a' the Utd\ Warriors were swept 7-1 and 11-2-b) pla)cll bound Hinds in n Central On ision double– header The ECCC !!trls tint,hcd 12- 1 m the final scaso"it for head coa(;h Mike Anderson. \\00 had prt\tou'l) a:nnooncrd hlS retirement.

The East Central Community Col– lege baschall tl!.tm entc.:red the week still chngmg to hope~ of making the po~t~a~n - and nilin g a hot c;ucak. The \\anior:-. won four contests without a -.tngle deleat la'>t week. climbing above the .500 m.trk Wllh a 20-18 record. East Central beat J linds I0-9 and I J -I last Thcsda~ to C\<'en ''' Central Divi,ion mark at 6-6. then the War– no!'\ swept a non-dtvtSion doubh:.– header from Copiah-Lmcoln on Satur– da) by score ol 5-2 and I J -0. The Wamors have u crucial dJvt– l>IOJl doubleheader toda) at Holmes. and they're ~chcduled to wrap up the regular ~ 1\0n Saturday at Sc(l()OU. \\hen they hattie Eal.t Mtsltt-.stppt in another dJ~hion twmb1ll. hould Ea.,t Central qualify. the IACJC late Tournament '"' ~et lor ne:\t Fnda.) and amnia} (:'\1a> 2-.3). In ~ :eep of Cc--• ' -L ocoln. lhe :\ bjg pH mg effort from J fim Wid hadan 1he

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