Joanne Ste'vens

Stevens sc o a benefit a Morton student • I o EC to

A scholarship in memory of a longtime educator m Scott County was among Items approved at the September meeting of the East Central Community College Board ofTrustees. The Joanne Stevens Scholarship Award was establtshed m August 2003 by W H. Stevens of Forest in memory of his wife, Mary Joanne Conyers Stevens a fom1er pnncipal and teacher at Morton Elementary School. The school's fust grade buildmg 1s named in her honor. Mrs. Stevens received a master's degree

(Ohio) High School. Cand1dates for the Joanne Stevens Scholarship Award must meet the folio\\ ing cnteria: (I) Be a graduate of Monon H1gh School; (2) Have a need for financial assistance; (3) Have a strong desire ~o pursue a degree m Elementary Education (first preference); S{condary Education (second preference); or Pre– Bachelor of Science m Nursing {third prefer– ence); (4) Enroll as a full-time student at East Central

chara.. er. have the potential for leadership and academ1c excellence with no incidents ofmiscon– duct. .."ld have a good record of school atten– dance Each scholarship recipient will be selecte• by the student's teachers, principal and counse "rs at Morton High School. The award will be ., the amount of $1,000 ($500 for the fall and spr 'lg semesters). Scholarship funds will be sent to ECCC and administered to the award

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