COLLEGE STUDENTS PREPARE, WORRY As UPCOMING SCHOOL YEAR APPROACHES By GENNIE PHILLIPS TIMES ASSISTANT EDITOR Supplies are belng bought, cars are bemg packed and goodbye hugs are being gi\'en as area student~ head off to oollege. College fresh. men are experiencing this situation far the fir& time where with seniors this has just become a normal roubne. Far fre-hmen the opportunity to experience

oollege life LS normally their ch.anl:e to take the firiit bt~ !'i~p into the re-t of thetr lh"C– College is the first deciskm they have made. pretty much on their own (with a httJe gmdance of course), and mov· ing away from home is their first occasion to see what hv– ing own their own is really like. "I am worried about having to do everything on my own

:room - a::xi c:dle= ~ ~1badto \\~&leta!~ J: 'ot amy do fnE:::E:. p~ f::r s::b::d. ~ ~hallen;;"'E:! of the

"' am- worried ah:lut ;eacbers,• Cclpeppo– sa.Jci 'In hi.,<>h -.:boo~ you get that one on une after school help u~ you need 1t. I am afraid 1t won't happen at college." Wilkerson abo LS oonremed about the difficul– ty of her classe for her upcoming school year. '1 am worried about classes at MC because they are pretty hard," Wilkerson said. "I didn't take any summer oourses or anything and haven't go~n my schedule yet." Although Culpepper andWilkerson have anx· iety about the classes they will face, Chambers said after experiencing both ECCC and Ole Miss, he is no longer worried about that. "You always bear people talking about huge classes and things," Chambers said. "Well, even at Ole Miss, it's not any different than being at ECCC The classes are pretty much all the


and not being in my 'oomfort wne'," said EricaWilkerson of Forest. an upcom– ing freshman atMississippi College. 'I have lived in the same house in the same town and known the same people my entire hfe. And now I am going to a new place with all new people, .so I won't be 'oomfortable' anymore." Like Wilkerson, upcoming East Central Community College freshman Stephanie Culpepper of Forest said she also ~ oonoer::LS cL moving out ofthe house and taking that first step on her own. "I am worried about havmg to depend on myself ins~ad of mom and dad," Culpepper said. For some students one of the most exciar:z things about going to oollege is movmg a\\ay from home. '1 am most excited about getting away ~ the house," Jarrod Street ofLake, an upcorr:•-:: freshman at ECCC, said. Street said be anna– pates the excitement of the oollege life.

thllu!!h Chambers said he wasn't ron· tb lasses at Ole Miss, he did say IUid prepared more for class ::case see MOVING, page 88



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