
3ED grads Opportunities for success await these graduates who ecently received their high school equivalency diplomas luring the seventh annual East Central Community 'ollege GED (General Education Development) •raduation Ceremony held on the Decatur campus. 'im.my Dempsey, chief GED examiner and retired voca– wnal-technical counselor at the College, served as guest peaker. Several members of the Class of 2003--Nicole kiom of Fot·est, J.J. Graham of Decatur, Frances Watkins f Conehatta and Gloria Wylie of Louisville--provided tes– rmonials regarding their achievement. Member of the ;ED Class of 2003 are (first row, from left) Kathyn Barnes. ·a!·thage; Amanda Belk, Union; Alfonso Brimlett, Decatur~ ~hley Clark, Union; James Creel, Pulaski; Patricia Day, ~delphia; Crystal Frazier, Conehatta; and Eddie Lee · ·:;ng, Mortin; (second row, from left) Brian Hall, Newton: ~PrinA H~rrAll . l.nni~villP: ~~r~h Hif"kmr ~nn .J ,T

Jones, Morton; (third row, from left) Stephanie Longmire, Decatur; Bettina Lovell, Walnut Grove; Regina McMurry. Carthage; Mary Merritt, Decatur; Valerie Nowell. Philadelphia; and Clarissa Parker, Union; (fourth row from left) Giles Perry, Louisville; Nicole Odom, Forest . Jamie Pope: Philadelphia; Elizabeth Prewitt, Louisville: Bobbie Nell Sanders, Forest; and Alisha Steve and Elizabeth Storey, both of Philadelphia; and (fifth row, from left) Brandy Swindle, Noxapater; Amanda Tolbert. Louisville; Frances Watkins, Conehatta; Gloria Wylie Louisville; Alisha Lewis, Forest; and Nita Thompson Pelahatchie. For information regarding the College's GED Program, contact the 'office of Adult and Continuin~ Education, East Central Community College, P.O. Box 129 Decatur, MS 39327, Phone 635-2111 or call toll free 1-877 462-3222, ext. 242.

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