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ECCCPHOTO HANNAH SCHOLARSHIP Brandy Patterson (left). a 2003 graduate of Morton High School, is this year's recipient of The R 0. and Bertha Hannah Scholarship to attend East Central Community College. The Hannah's four sons -Tom Robert. Ray and Ted · established the scholarship in 1991 in honor of the Scott County couple for encouraging their children to acquire an education. All four sons are ECCC alumni. Patterson rece1ved the award at the 2003 BeiiSouth Scholarship Appreciat1on luncheon held 1n Mabry Memorial Cafeteria on the Decatur campus She s shown with Christi Lee, ECCC Tech Prep Career Center 0 rector recruiter, following the presentation.
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Alawine of Pe a'la:me etg"':rt p a:-...e Preoarac ~...a: ~ -, - .ong of Ph'lade!){lla. e!Q'ltn pLace Mooca Soe "lQ a"': s~-~ Taylor of Uruor second place Naoona rlaa::ncara ssues Ex:::– and fourttt place. Nutm1011 Knowledge Test Stano"'g '·om~>;~ are Lucy Hughes of Forest, Billie McCune of Union DeOO e Mclnnisn o' Carthage and Natafie Chapman of Stonewa. "'ho finished second in the Health Education category. Kathy Buckman and Lori Luke serve as LPN 1nstructors
=CCC PHOTO j\fC TRANSFER These East Central Community College sophomores rece1ved transfer scholarships to Mississippi College in Clinton. Scholarships were presented during the annual ECCC Awards Day program held Thursday, May 1, in Huff Auditorium on the Decatur campus. Pictured are (from left) Christy Fedrick of Philadephia, April Jones of Forest and Vickie Powe of Philadelphia.
LAKE MESSENGER ________________
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