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Opportunities for success await these graduates v received their high school equivalency diplomas durin! annual East Central Community College GED (Gener Development) Graduation Ceremony held on th:e Dec; Jimmy Dempsey, chief GED examiner and retired vocatio counselor at the College, served as guest speaker. Several the Oass of 2003- Nicole Odom of Forest, J. J. Graharr Frances Watkins of Conehatta and Gloria Wylie of Loui vided testimonials regarding their achievement. Member: Class of 2003 are (first row, from left) Kathyn Barne Amanda Belk, Union; Alfonso Brimlett, Decatur; Ashley ( James Creel, Pulaski; Patricia Day, Philadelphia; Cry Conehatta; and Eddie Lee Epting, Morton; (second rov Brian Hall, Newton; Katherine Harrell, Louisville; Sarah J.J. Graham, both of Decatur, Cathy Hall, Forest; and Morton; (third row, from left) Stephanie Longmire, Dec lov('ll, Walnut Grove; Regina McMurry, Carthage; M DcC
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