,.-e .LO..::.....L.,.&.Wc,.. .11.-ses:wr;~\eft fidder T~lff R..-s. l...ouis\ille; Otcller raig tartin. Lake; outfielder th:m u!re,t. tt Centn~l: third baseman Michael Dunn, n Jim TaUt:). \ foore\ille:pitcher/right fielder Jarrod Vaugh, epard.Sebastopol. Third ro", from left, arc pitcher Montrakus 111 .,. fief er Paul Brown, Forest; second baseman/third baseman Jamie ~~ rst ba .. cman/tbird baseman Justin Darby, Union; pitcher Ill I. Lhingston.AJa.; catcher Joey Holcomb, Locust Fork High (';t • l\U•ldleton, Vicksburg; first baseman/left fielder Destin ·:oa:tfirlld,er Dexter Sellers, Bastrop (La.) High School; outfielder Ken· omr;dlffr \an '' ilson. West Lauderdale • Jake Ynrborough is head R _ie Richardson serves as an assistant. (EC Photo)
Southea~t Lauderdale 1Iigh School. The Diamond War· rion,, home opener is sched– uled Sunday, February 16 again~t Southwest Ten· ncssee Community College, with double-header action getting underway at 2 p.m. at jam1e Clark Memorial • durn. ..
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