Lions, Warriors split two sports ed.:.or DECATUR - East Central Com– munity Coll e relief pitcher Ju... tin Da.--b} didni a near iiav;t ... per– formance by Warn rs game-one "::arte:r Ja,.-red \ to e in the be- ~C'Q~. Co:::: ,__ ..,---- w;ee.:-~ By Tony Krausz ass s·
aLW · ~~t~~~~MCC4~-~.__._.~--~--~~~~~UU~~~~.&a-~~ ~~~~~~~----~ lone run of the contest The 6-foot-2 Warrior,• relielo·er "ntince ' the fi rst batter he faced -ble play fielding a roller
d t" throw out ct ba, 'I"T1"',_. e. and ECCC 'atcher J send fired the ball down to firsl the second out of the inn:::g sowed up the \\in ~tn"king bajer he factd :) Hd a really good job of --=---...,. , tnkes." said ECCC head
h Jake Yarborough. "Ht: ouble play from the u firt. and he kind oi oj 'E\1CC). He did an - ~ in under fire and
Chnt Richards performance of thl' day mning with a run advan-
The Warriors' 5-foot-..:: hurter retired the Lions io ord~r in three oi his six innings on the mound. and he faced only four batter'\ in the other three inning before running into trouble in the top of the seventh. "(Vaughn) pitched a jewel, so did ~EMCC's) pitcher" Yarborough said. "He kind of lost it the re In the end and couldn't fin~ ~e s trike zone: ·•
lnth jumped Out the opening
EMCC a her J dro\"e in the firs na the top of the firs up the middle f the lead, but ECCC -• Moore tied the a=11 ~ ~-·1
tremend happy to ·r Vsm a h n n ""'-'=-..;;;....-"'""""'---""'--
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