The Bobcat .. eball team opened South Dhi..;ron play by splitting a home doubleheadttr With Co-Lin. The Jo~1 to the Wolves, 8-5, in the opener and then rebounded to win a 13-12 ,hootout m gam e two. Chad • fdl\\ain·~ base hit in the bottom of the ..c-:'enth plated the winning run. JC,JC. 10-15 overall and 1-1 in lhe drvi:;ion, t raveled to Pearl River Wedoe'
week. f<~MCC fell to MDCC 21-5. The EMCC softba ll squad split its Centr al Conference double– header with East Central Commu– nity College on the road on March 24. The Lady Lions won the opening game 6· 2, but they fell 9-2 in game two. EMCC wen t on to lose both games of a conference doubleheader to Hinds Community Collc~e on March 26. 'l'he Ludv LionR lost 2-1 and 4· 1 at hom~. · - Tony Kra usz East Central The East Central Community College baseba ll team didn't get off to a good start in MACJC Central Division play on March 25. The Warriors dropped both games of a doubleheader Lo the Eagles of Me ridia n Community Col– lege al horne. ECCC's one bright. ::.pt)t in the sweep was the play of second baseman .Jnke Neste r, who went 6- for-6 in th e double-header. "Jake (Nester) is lending- our team in bitting," Yarborough ~atd of his trnm's rapt11in. "Wr expect htm lo do good lhinj!s. and hC' did rc·nlly \\ell today.' Open tryout!! for tlw 2003-0·1 Ea:;t Central Comruuntl) Gollt•gl• \-.omen's ba~kcLball tl·am will h(: held nl 6 p.m. toduy in the Orne– keen-Wood Phy~ical l•;ducahon Building. Lad v Wt:trrior head coach Brud llodgc.saHi parlitipnnls should bring their Clwn practice gt ar Miller from (iea:r{;e C:c:=tl_:r; five defend£.~ - E c. - • Laurel, Adam Bailey County, Ju.nm Beck £roo Gec::ge County Andy Gough fro:l burg St Aloy "u, . d Rv:s:y RllB· selJ from Petal. The JCJC men·,. tenn · team improvl!d to 4-4 wllh a -0 rtmy over Southwest. APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER___ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES --- UNION APPEAL ____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNJ3 SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ CLARION-LEDGER --------------------- \
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