Warriors----- Frorn Page 81 leatl, "" U1€'y rous.!llt'd up I HJO!' Whitaker \vent ~J.for-6 tor the do:..-r!Jul'!in Ptt• ndcrs fvr four Lions. with (\\.1> RBJc;, and Pow· I it'-. l'll W<.'nl ,l·for•1, \\ilh un<• 1m1. Pounders wa ... pulled .ftcr Mollre Wl'llt 1-for-4 for lhe ~.-ttiuJ,!ju ... t on~' ut. W:u·riors. with two 1m1~. and -1 can add tt up. {Pounders) Kt·nua went ~-for-1 \\ rth 01 w h:1 !."1\t:n up btt"il-en 12 0111d 15 I{BJ and a )Uble. run ht l:!"l four outmg.- ·· El"LT LOlltilllu:" its .:;eason Ba1drttr~d H "U ~d ;,, agau '' l >iah Linroln Com- r J SC:"r. d he to
up munu: u IJt>gt .11 4 p.m. today oul on the :-oad E\ICC continues tbt: it Sc." APPEARED I : LAKEMESSE GER______________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES___________ UN ION APPEAL ---------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.______ SPIRIT OF MORTON______ _ _ CARTHAGINIAN____________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ------- NEWTON RECORD_ ________ MERIDIAN STAR.__________ CLARION-LEDGER ----------
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