ECCC Diamo b, ho tinu ..
d 'a ·ri s egin season oaboma on February 12
of Neshoba Central and , Jonathan Sigrest of Scon Central Parket and McGehee arc the southpaws in the group Expected to see plenty of act10n in the infield are third baseman \-ficbael Dunn of p,,scagoula, short stop Jacob Da\ is of Biloxi, tirst hac;eman Destin Moore of Kosciusko, short stop Wes 1 umer of ~cshoba Centra] and second baseman/short stop Brian McNeil of Enterprise. Sharing catching duties with Holcomb are lacoh ro\\11Send of Neshoba <::'entral and Robb) Carey o f Newton County. Battling for starting positions in the outfield are Dre\\ Kenna of Forest. Gabc ~now and Kentay il nd both 0f I ouisville: Oavad 1urltn of Water Valle) , Craig Martin o f Lake and Van Wi lson of. West Lauderdale. Assisting Coach '\arb r Uf!h this season is Rt h rdson. former baseball coach at Southeast Lauderdale High chool
locust Fork High School U1 rd. Ala.. and pitchers Shepard of Sebastopol
and Jarrod Vaughn of Lot s ille. Darby batted .291 \"'llh 20 RBls. and Nester - posted a .257 a,·cragc. Shepard had ,1 2.1 L ... amed run av·emge and Vaughn compiled a 4.97 ERA. Other top returnees
an.. first baseman T\ ler Rogers of Louisvtlle and out– fielder Paul BrO\\n of Forest. Newcomer s on the mound include Jim Talley, who post– ed a 19 0 record 111 leadmg !vfoorevi lie to the St~te Class 2A Championship; Jonathon Taylor, a transfer from Delta State University and nati\ e of _ support fur Li,·ingston. A Ia.; and Hunter
our pnc ~ :\e also ha\'C Holley, a southpaw from depth m each po~nron, and Philadclphra High School. pia) _rs are h \ n;;. to compe1c Yarboroucl1 11 for po u s.·· said also expectmg s1.rong p r Yar'>orou~b.. no\\ m h1s sec- fonnanccs from other mem– ond ~ear m leadmg the bers of the p1tching stall~ who D1a.,ond \\arnot~. incl ude Brent McMJllan of \ arborough said top ~e'' ton . Gary Parker of returnees from last yeJr'.s ~1 .. ton. Chri · Midd on o squad •.-elude t nfielder: pitch- Vtcksburg. I lit· er Jusun Darby ofUnion, sec- Louis\ illc, Drew !\.feu hc.:e of ond baseman Jake ~ester of Water Valle} De ·ter Sellers Lake. catcher Joey Holcomb of Bastrop, Ala , ~ es Tum r
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