I - EC family mourns loss of friend """~ruity member Jeff Hitt collapsed m•t~r his horne while jogging l'

Jeremy S\vmdlc provided special music. Burial was in Hudson Chapel Church of Cod Cemetery, with Milling Funeral Home in charge of mr.mgements. Comple ted 1st Year l·litt had completed h s first year on the ECCC s taff, ~;erving nQt tmly as WBL ~Jnol'din.llo•· at the College's Worl~forcc Dt\lclopmcnt Cl'lll<'J~ but al-;o as ,, n~GI11il1~1' hw Student S.c• ·v; (t~S. l~ogl'r Wh.itiN·k, WI) diredpr, ;;~tid, "It will b'' illlj)\l!J~il•k Iii H~pliit~i! il pCI son like Jeff Hitt," ~·y~,H (o~n · ftll t• iol> V(lClll' cy," \\'llllloc.k sl.llcd, "but you lllllll_9l l't•pl.u"l' SQpll'l!•l•: likl• kit l· lt.~ ~·,t!n11ilu~l)' t:ar,_•d about tht! pc!J\·Ii~ ht' ,;~ une i11 cont.Kt· with, It! p;1iJ <•lt~n tion In sp1. 1 ci tk !iiX'dS 0111d rcqul~SlS, nnd lh('n .mswl~rl•d those needs ,llld l"l'lJLa:sts with his best ""-'11" ilnd tal– ents. He wac, .1 faithful ; dependable contributor to this College and the people

Scrviccsfor Hitl were ht•ld Moqda)j August 15, 200:1, at Hickory Baptist Churd1 \Viti~ the Revs. Rodnl')' Anderson, Paul Swindle, l:d Dickerson, Wayne Dickerson, Paul Oglesby and Rick Benson otfici.11inn

According lo press reports, he was revived and trLlns– portcd first to Laird l·lospital in Union and lt~tcr to And~rsori . HospitLll in Meridian where he died the follo~\'ing day. The cause of

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