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attend the University of Southern Mississippi, named in honor of Dr. Phil A. Sutphin, ECCC president. Mississippi State University transfer scholarship recipients include Jonathan Bates and Gregory Butler, both of Morton; Emma Chisolm, Leslie Vance and Terrisa Myrick, all of Union; Andrew Cooley of Chunky; james Cowart of Star; Chris Davis of Louisville; Cathy Deason, Mary Margaret Irons, Eliza– beth Johnson, Kevin Langley and Carrie Shrock, all of Philadelphia; Jaclyn Evans of Bay Springs; Jennifer Gibson, Lance Hall, Colin Smith and Adam Wall, all of Forest; Ricky Graves of Lena; Doralyn Grimes, Jenifer Lee and John Petty, all of Carthage; Jessica Nester of Lake; Stephan Sykes of Lawrence; and Kerry Gilmer of Little Rock. Additional transfer scholar– ship recipients include David Burt of Newton and Nathan Stamper of Decatur, Hannibal– LaGrange College in Hannibal. Missouri; Christy Fedrick and Vickie Powe, both of Philadel phia; April Jones of Forest and Amy Rawson of Carthage, Mis– sissippi College; Stacie Phillipson, Belhaven College in Jackson; An1anda Thompson of Louisville. Mississippi Uni versity for Women in Columbus; and Brody Perkins of Carthage, University of West Alabama.

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students also tr:c- sfer .... cholarships ~ and unh·ersities. f Lena is the 2003 f a community col- • a:::sfet ~holarship to the ty of Mi~"issippi Med– Ceo[er in Jackson. April

~ .. ~ . .,ry of Philadelphia recet\'"ed one 01 only 10 leader– ho!arships presented -:-::---..,, '51ate'Wide by the University of

• , j ......... ppi this year. Josh Jenkin.... .f Carthage, a soph~ more member of the ECCC holars Bowl team, also received a scholarship to the :Cniversity of Mississippi in recognition of his outstanding performance during the Ken Wooten Scholars Bowl compe– tition held at Ole Miss. The University of Missis– -.ippi also presented transfer scholarships to Megan Logan of Newton and Christen Her– rington of Carthage. Students receiving scholar– ships to the University of Southern Mississippi include Terance Anderson of Preston, football manager scholarship; Eric Gunn of Forest, Phi Theta Kappa Achievement Award; and Maranda Burks of Philadelphia, Ashley Jones of Newton, Kimberly Stone of Carthage and Sarah Allard of Union who received leadership scholarships. Allard also received a scholarship to

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