

HEAD FIRST East Mississippi Community College's Josh Snider has his eyes on second base, while East Central Community College's Jake Nester (8) ~nes to make the tag during recent action. MCC women's tennis ·team undefeated

From combined reports The Meridian Community College women s tenni.:::; team b off to a 6-0 .;tart after beating nval Copiah Lincoln 5-4 at the Northeast TennL Complex last 'fuesday afternoon mgles pia) wn where the Lady Eagles ralltcd from a 2-1 d fic1t in double-. • 1 phl) r Ch r1 tt Heidelberg, \\ ho IS :ranked l5thnnuonal w ~omen sjunior co ngl led th me.back \li ith a ds: Pbtlhp . tchal o n ~ n her

We just treed to play some games atzd I thi;zk we will continue to uin games. I like being aboue .500, }Ort don t like hating to uwrk to

EMCC baseball coach am Baldner

gomg 1-2 in the Rush lm'ltntlqqal at Scaggs Field, wero ~et to fncc thQ No. l draft pick of the Bnltimorc Orioles on Sat· urday in Adam Loewen. -Jeff Byrd East M ississippi Lions head baseball conch Bill Baldner is elated to be heading into sprmg break with a winning record. The Lions made the fir~t

ndtan Community College base– Je, spent the first pnrt of their

hre k 'lD J.•lorida ul Chipola Community Col ege. MCC played Cbipola in a lhree– -game :;eries that began Friday in Man· anna, Fla. The Eagles. 8-3, on the seation af er . . " \

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