Bo. 'kin joins ECCC staff per1ai ro Tile Ren1rd
Regena Boykin of Cone– hatta was recentlv selected technology m~agement clSS15tant al East Central Community College in Decatur, aru10unced Dr. Phil A. Sutphin, ECCC presi– denL Boykin, who began her new duties on May 1, 2003, pre\'iously served as office clerk for East Central Missis– !>ippi Hea1th Care in Sebastopol. She is also a former net– work control technician for World Com/SkyTel, and served as a computer spe– cialist at Maxim Manufactur– ing Corporation in Sebastopol. She began h~r career as an inventory/pur~hasing clerk at Easom Hardware in Sebastopol. A graduate of Sebastopol High School, Boykin
Boykin received a computer technol– ogy certificate from the For– est / Scott County Vocational– Technical Center and eamed an Associate Degree of Applied Science in Comput– er Programming at ECCC. Her husband i~ Jame~ Bovkin and thev have an infant son, we...ly:
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