-- - o Orientation Schedule


completed application for ad– mission; (2) an ACT score (academic/technical students only; does not apply to voca– tional students); (3) high school transcript; and (4) col– lege transcript if a transfer student. During orientation, students receive their approved class schedules for the fall semes– ter, reserve dormitory rooms and have photographs made for identification cards. The only fee associated with orientation is a $5.00 charge a to purchase parking decals. A tag number is required to pur– chase the decal. Killens added, "We are plan– ning to have everyone regis– tered and on their way home before I p.m. each orienta– tion session. Although most students will complete the process before that time, we will continue to serve the noon meal in Mabry Memo– rial Cafeteria and invite all students and parents to join us for lunch."

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._ _.__;. Tumon Assistance ~nts must have ational ACT, so administered

Honors orientation will be held on Friday, June 6, for students who have a 21 or above ACT (American Col– lege Test) score. those se– lected STAR students, vale– dictorians and salutatorians and members of the Beta Club or other honor societ– ies.

Additional onentation ses– sions are scheduled Saturday. June 21: Thursda} July I 0: Wednesda). July 23: and Fn– da). August 15. Formore mfonnauon contact CARTHAGI~ Student <::en1ce: at 1- ~-- 462-3~22 ext 3 ' r 20 - NESHOBA 0 30- NE~ONRECORD ___________ MERIDIAN STAR _______ _ CLARJO -LEDGER ---------


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