Three 'in n f}esidents awarded at conference By Joseph 1cCain Winston Coon~ Ja;ru:nzl \nth East Central

Community College in 1956. Women's basketball had been discontinued in the - community college system, and Wood immediately be1!an work toward having the sport reinstated, a dream y; hich became a reality in 1974. From 1974 to 1986 '"'-- ..1' ' n uvu s teams won fow· state championships and numer- us division championships. She served as the first presi– dent of the Mississippi Association of Women's Coaches and as first coach of the Mississippi Junior College All-star team. Wood is listed in 'I\vo Thousand Notable Americans, First Edition, Personalities in the South; Who's Who in t.he South and Southwest, Who's Wh o of American Women, and Who's Who in American Educa tion 2002. She served as President of the Eas t Central Alumni Association in 1963 and 1964; two·time President of East Central Faculty Club, inducted into East Central Hall of Fame in 1986, and named HEAD– WAE ins tructor of East Central and honored by the Mississippi Legislature. The ECCC Physical Educa tion building was named in her



\\'omen ha~ nizcd for the:r ~~:::""',.,....,"-=" in the commum 1 :t.:.cille Wood; lli Kemp Finch Watkins \\eTe pr: , their effom to the ea the ~rower of On - ~ippi.~ • Wood ,.,;I. complete fiftv years of xnice to the com– munity colle6e.:- of Mississippi in . lay of 2003. The impact of her work. in both athletic~ and acade– mics, cannot be me~ured. A native of \\rm... ton County, Wood taughc and coached at Copiah-Lincoln Communitv College for two years. and began her teaching career gtatc and

Lucille Wood, Dr. Louie Kemp Finch and Dean Watkins. E hoCnCoCr. SAhthle w~ named to the Professional Women oi ctic Hall of Fame Mississippi. and is Regional Director for This was the eighth 811!!::· Nationa l Junior College al "Power of One" con."er– Association . She has ~nee. The conf~rence high– received a service award hghted the achtevemems of from the National Junior Mississippi women who College Athletic Association. gi~e their time, spirit, COil!· She resides in the Calvary m1tment and expertise to Community of Winston better tfie lives ofmany oth– County. She has Lorene ers. Wood and Jim Wood as sib- The conference featured lings and is sister-in-law to noted civil rights leader Ann Wood. Myrlie Evers-Williams ~ Finch,85, is a retired pro- keynote speaker. Many edu· fessor from Mississippi cational and informative State University where she workshops and personal taught home economics and development opportunities was part of the Research were also scheduled. Curriculum Unit. She was Other "Power ofOne" bon– also named the Winston orees included: Patrice J . County Chamber of Boone of Clinton, Deborah Commerce Woman of the Jones Gambrell Chambers Year in 2002. of Hattiesburg, Patr ice Watkins is the human Spearman Hopson of resources manager for The Vicksburg, Shirley Norwood Taylor Group of Louisville. Jones of Jackson, Naomi S. She is ' also the President of Kilgore of West Point, and the Business and Jeanette.Thrash ofDecatur.




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