WEEK OF -·-------=-~- ..;.

ECCC offers educationa opportu

approximately 12,000 mdi– viduals recei\ t"d workforce training provided through the College's Workforce Development Center. The College is also playing a major role in attracting new industry for its five-county district and the surrounding area. Although East Central Community College has undergone numerous changes over the past 75 years, the College's mission ts still the same: to serve students. For more information con- tact the Office of Admissions, Records and Research. East Central Community College, P. 0. Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327, Phone 635-2111 or call toll rre;?, 1-877-462-3222. ext 206. 1r visit the College on 1 '' .-bsite, www.eccc.edu.

ound .ncludes

From press reports

t:~ ans a ~2..4LStrunental

cenb. the choir. the pel choir. concert

on ·embe~ and

rei;pecth·e rot{l:- Amy Cliam ee L ·,a · Chamblee Janette Robifuon and A.manda

Gma. all of Chru Car,on Jennifer Car50n e both of Decatur; Lee Doole~ Gus of Lake; J3.D.Ila !\owell (Ro.- and Kry::-tal Moore B >l'bara), both of Philadel;: .1, Katie Ford Annie Xewton,

cal rom· dents ui all enroll at East

~stal Buno:: .Shelley) of AGIN IAN Little Roc Amanda Loui~'ille.. . amien Wa:-h N RECORD Thompson


·asmine) of BA DEMOCRAT

and quickJy discov– " an us academic, and personal oppor– tle.s available on the Decatur campus. n the area of academics, E&' Central offers the basiC core curriculum for over 160 majors. Thest'


~kory, Antho:1y

Chri- Andol



f:· i\fi~e Fondren 'J-LEDGE:-:R---------

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<•t Umon, Shelby



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oon and Josh Hall of Morton. " ,.., ---+.

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