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ECCC to host n· .rict FBLA competition More than 800 students r~presenting 37 high schools and vocational-technical cen– ters will converge on the East Central Com– munity College campus in Decatur on February 13 when the Mis~issippt Chapter of Future Bu~iness leaders of America (FBlA) holds its Central Dbb·ict leadership Conference.Sponsored by the College,s Phi Beta lambda chapter, an organization for busmess students, the annual contest is held to measure stitdents, abilities in various areas of technology and business-related skills, accordmg to Brenda Johnson, ECCC computer technology instructor who is also an advisor for Phi Beta Lambda and serves as Conference chairman. Johnson said the College is again pleased to host the event for the second-straight year. We are again exated to sen·e as host for the Confere~c •, and look forward to having so many outstanding students from central Mississippi visit our campus,John::.on !'aid. Registration for the day,s actiYities is scheduled from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Tucker Technology Centei, Room 318, followed by the various .;reas of competition which include accounting, bu!Jncss communica– tion, business procedures, computer con– cepts, entrepreneurship, marketing, net.,. working concept.., desktop publishing, speaking, job interview:, business, eco– nomics and parliamentary procedure. The special guests will be entertained by the Collegians, the College,s vocal-instru– mental See ECCC on A-8
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