WEEK OF cJL/ Dec a:J.
Billy Smith selected Ecce Men's Head Basketball Coach canon BUIIdmg. Smnb. 40. succec.>ds Jay
to make the men's basketball program here at East Centra l the best 11 can be." An ob\ tous lughhghr ot hts successful career at 1\eshoba Cen– tral was w um1ng the Statt.: Clas:-. ~-A Champ10nsh1p u1 1990-91. The 1 Jd}' Rockets were also djnsion champi– ons tJ1at year and finished season act lOll With a 36-J. record Last season the Neshoba Central).- •rls won the dt~tncl tJt le Jnd advunt: d to tht> State 4-A semifinals en routt to a 28-1 1mark. In aU. Sm1th's teams have won SIX d1stm:t t1tle~ and Jim!>hcd dtstnct runners-up on the Prior toJoining the ;-.:eshoba Genn a! staff. Smnh serYed as JUntor \ars1ty men's basketball coach and \ arsJty basketball assistant ar McKinney (Te"'as) H1gh School dur– mg l9R~-S5. Heisalsoafonnergradu– atc assistant at the UDJ\ ersuy of Southern Miss1ssipp1 (I 983-84) and Yatsity men· s baskt.:tball ass1stamand head frtl.bm:.m basketball and foo t– ball L'Oach at Philadelphia lugb and clcmc.:ntal) schools ( 1982-83 ), A graduate of Nt>shoba Central H1gh School Smith attended East Central Communtl) College and received a ba~.:hdor's degree mphysi– cul education lrmu Delta State l ni– ' CIStty. He.: holds a master's degree in phystca l c:dt•canon from lhe l m– versuy of Southern :-.1tssJs:.tppt and has a master's degree tn admimstra– lton from Jackson State l m t:rSI!). He IS rnarned w the fomter 0 CC3SIOilS.
Bowen \\ho resigned in August to take an asststant coachmg pnslll()n at Austm Peay State l ni\·erslly m ClarksvilJe. ·r ennessee. In maktng the announce– ment. ECCe PresJdent Dr Phil A. Sutphin said the College was vc1y fo1 runate to hire someone who has suc– cess on lhe high school level and 1s also a district coach. "Hb next challcngt: 1s to move the men 's basketball program to the next level and I feel confid~.:nt he wtll be able to do that," SU!phm said nuth. whose I ady Rockets amassed a 3R8-t5 I record cluring his 16-year tenure, S Susan Lanhton ofEdinburg and t11e-y haw three ch1ldrcn. And} , a semor at i':l.'shobu Ct.:nrral; Chandler. a sec– ond-grader, and !'l.tack1e, '' ho s km– derv.•rtcn APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES·_______ UNION APPEAL --------:-::------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.___ SPIRIT OF MORTON__:,L.l)(.::::::.__ ___ CARTHAuiNaA.,.___ --=----- NESHOBADEMOCRAT_ _______ NEWTON RECORD____________ MERIDIAN STAR.____________ CLARION-LEDGER____________
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