WEEKOF ~fk~c~6~--------

ECCC Lady Warriors trounce Hinds; Warriors fall

Sophomore Ebone 'e Leverette of Forest pumped in t 7 points to lead East Central Community College's Lady Warriors to a 97-77 thumpmg of Hinds Commumty College Monday mgbt (December 8) tn the Brackeen-Wood Phystcal Education Butldmg on the Decarur campus. The Lady Wamors, \\ ho unproved to 8-2 O\erall and 1-1 m South Dtnsion action. \\ent on a 40- 8 run to close out first-half sconng and crutsed to the easy vtctory o'·er the Lady Bulldogs, now 2-6. Also sconng for East Central were Lenore Gray of Newton, 14; Ktmyatla Viverette of Lake. 12: Rtta Dirden, a product of St. Fednck lltgh Schoolm Monroe, La.. nine, Amanda LaCaze of Natchitoches (La.) lligh School, seven; Kmtcn Chancy of Newton County and Mtronda Rosar of

Neshoba Central, six each; Roxana Rogers of Lake, Britney Burks of Scott Central, Kotreece Bender of' Newton and Hope Murray of West Jones, five each; and Kun Cox of Lake and India Backstrom of ).leshoba Central. two each LaShundra Gnflin of Jackson bad 20 pomts to lead Hmds EC held a 56-24 ad\ antage at the break. In the men's contest, soph– omore Jarnaal ~lanm's three-potnt anempr at the buzzer bounced oil the rim and funds escaped "11h 71· 68 decision. ~artm, a product of ortheast Lauderdale, and Ryan Hudson of Loutsville had 16 pomts each for the Warriors, who dropped to 3-6 overall and 0-2 m league competition. Other point makers fo1 I:C were Stephen Dyess of l\Jo1 tlwasl

Lauderdale, 14; Tellas Burnside of Phtladclplua and Tawan Walker of Ncshoba Central, five each; Neil Tadlod. of Lake and Lorenzo Whlte of Qu1rman, four each; and Dc,vayne Hughes of Sebastopol and De!>mond Jones ofNeshoba Central, two each. Donald Jones, a product of Rei A1r High School in Baton Rouge. La., led Hmds (6-3) wi,!h 18 pomb. Wamors ha\ e concluded 2003 com– pcttuon and will return to action fol– lowmg the Chnsrmas holidays by tra\chng to ltawamba Community College on TilUrsday, January 8, for a rematch of the season-opening contests, both won by East Central teams 'I he Lady Warriors posted a 76-67 wm and the Warriors fol– lowed w1th a 67-63 victory. EC led 34-32 at halftime. The Lady Warriors and


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