

ltawamba 67~

WINS (2) -

East Misstss1pp1, 89-n

LOSSES {4) - M ss SSipp1 De ta

East Miss1ssipp1



Holmes 82-69· Ho!mes. 78-65

REMAINING GAMES: Nov 24 a1; MISSISSippi Delta: Dec. 4 at Pearl RIVer Dec. 8 host Hinds: Jan. 8 at ttawamba.J Jan 10 at Faulkner (Ala) State, Jan~ 12 at Southwest Mississippr Jan 15 host Mend1an; Jan. 19 host Copiah·L1n coin; Jan. 22 at Jones County; Jan. 24 host Faulkner (Ala.) State, Jan 26 Gulf Coast; Jan. 29 host Pearl Rtvef Feb 2 at Hinds; Feb. 5 host Southwes Mississippi; Feb. 9 at Meridian; Feb. 1 _ al Coplah·Lincoln; Feb. 16 host Jone County, Feb. 19 host Gulf Coast; Feb 23-26 at MACJC State Tournament Mar. 1-4 at Region 23 Tournament

EC sweeps East Miss. Ladies rebound, Warriors snap four-game skid By ROCKY HIGGINBOTHAM Sport.\ f.d11or - --- • East Central women: The Lad} Wil!"liors tasted defeat for the first time thts season last Monda} at Holme~. falhng behind by IS m the flf"t haU :.md playing catch-up for the remain– der of the contest Holmes was up 36-21 at halfume and impro'ed to S-2.

had etght pomts caLh. while Joccl~ n Spearman led E.\iCC with 13. . • East Central men: The \\ amor; torched the nets in the fu~t hall and built a 49-30 lead·o,er the Lton~ last Thursda). Ft\e players scored m double fig· u~ for ECCC. which~nappcd a lour– game lo~g streak. Former Nc..,hoba Central !>tandout Desmond lone~ tal· lied a team-high 17 pmnL-.. "'bile Dcwaync Hughes had 13 and N~:tl Tadlock 12. Jamaal Manin :.cored II points and Ryan Hudson had l 0 Phillip Lockhart and CalvmMoore scored 18 points apiece for EMCC. At Hobnes last Monday. the War nors fell behind 41-13 m the flnit half and couldn't recover. Jones again led the way with 17 potnb. while Tadlock sl:orcd 15. Hughc~ chipped in nine and Marttn scored seven.

After a rough ~tart to the v.cck. East Central Communit) College got JUSt v.hat the doctor ordered Thursd.l) night at home- a '''.:ep ot \NUng ri'nl East Mi ~~ ~ippt. Eru.t Centr.d\ ml!n got offm a red· bot stan and thumped the LillO!> ·9.77 to put an end to a lour-gatnl! lo,ing trcak; wlulc the EC women lx1unced back from their ftr~t loss Il l the ...cason to knock oil the Lady Ltons 65-51. The Lady Warrion.. who lost 6+53 at Holmes last Monday. entered this week's action with a 6-1 rccon.J. The Wil!"liors, who fell 78-65 at Holmes, are 2-4. Both E~t Central team!'> v.crc to go to MJ~sts!>tppt Delta Monday in their only action of the week., and the}· rc set to return to acuon Ol!c 4 at Pearl Rt\er.

Ebonee Leverene and Britnc) Burls led East Central with 14 and II pomts. respectively. while Kim} aua Viverene and Kristen Chancy cored eight aptece. Freshman india Backl>trom ot Ncshoba 'Central cbtpped in fi,c points. Against EMCC last Thursday. the Lady Warriors opened the second half with a big run to build on their 27-24 lead at intermission - knocking off the Lady Lions for the second time this season. Chancy's 16 points were a tcnm· htgh. while Viverette and Moniquc Overstn.>et tallied nine poinll> aptecc. Backstrom and Lenore Gra) abo ~PP F r.f"f" '"'"'"'" ., 0


LAKE MESSENGER ________________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES-----------– UNION APPEAL-----------– WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ------ SPIRIT OF MORTON -------------------- IMPACT_____________

CARTHAGINIAN ----------------- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT -------- NEWTON RECORD ------~------- MERIDIAN STAR ----------------- CLARION-LEDGER ---------

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