Bulldogs. Tobios

Darden of Lafayette, La., had 16 pomts to lead East Cenu·al, whose record stands at 1·3. Other point makers \\ere Jantaal Martin of North– east Lauderdale and Andrew Le\\ is of Morton, lOeach. Kendall Granderson of Yazoo Ctty had 25 pomts to lead the Bulldo \\ho unproved to 2-1 Both EC squad will take the night ofi Thurs– day. The Lad) Warriors travel to Shelton State for a 2 p.m. contest Saturday in Tuscaloosa. The ECCC women and men will jour– ney to Goodman on Tues– da}~ Nov. 18 for another matchup with Holmes. ECCC-EMCC I.enore Gray of New– ton and Kristin Chaney of Newton County scored 20 points each and led the East Central Community College Lady Warriors to an easy 90·57 win over East Mis– sissippi Community Col– lege's Lady Lions Thurs– day night on the Scooba campus. Also scol'ing for the Lady Wart'iors, who 1mproved to 3-0 on the young season , were Monique Overs treet of South Leake, 14; ;\liranda Rosar of Neshoba Central and Roxana Rogers of Lake, seven each; Kim Cox

of Lake and lndta Back· stromof eshoba Central, six each. East Central recorded 11 throe-pomters in the easy VIctOIJ over the Lady Lions, ,,. ho fell to 2-L The Lad~ Warnors held a 50-33 ad\antage at the break. In mens action the\\ ar– riors were outscored 92-83 and fell to 1-2 on the sea– son. "hile East Mts"iss ip– pi unpro,·ed lo 2·1. Dewayne Hughes ol' Sebastopol led East Cen– tral with 16 point~. Other point makers were Desmond Jones of Nesho– ba Central, 12; Jamaal Martin of Northeast Laud– erdale, 11; Neil Tadlock of Lake and Al Willis of New– ton Count)~ eight each; Ryan Hudson of Louisville, seven; Stephen Dyess of Northeast Laud erdale, six; Shaun Daugh– erty of Choctaw Central, five: Ta\V on Walker of Neshoba Central and Tobios Darden of Lafayette. Ala., three each; and AndrewLewis of Mor– ton and Lorenzo White of Quitman, two each. East Central led •H·37 at halftime. The Lady Warriors trav– el to Shelton State for n 2 p.m. contest Saturday. Both EC squads travel to Holmes Community Col– lege on Tuesda)~ Nov. 18.

omen starting strong • Lady Warners roll over EMCC, Holmes to move to 4-0. SpcucJI co rht· Record East Central Communi– ty College's women improved to 4·0 on the young season following theu- 78-70 win over visit– ing Holmes Community College Monday night in the Brackeen-Wood Physi– cal Education Building. Kotreece Bender of Newton poured in 18 points to lead the Ladv Warriors. · Also scoring in double fibrttres were Kimyatta Viverette of Lake and Lenore Gt·ay uf Newton with 13 each; Kristen Chaney of Newton County with 11 and Brilney Burks of Scott Central with 10 LaTrice Hone of Lake Village, Ark.• pumped in 24 points to lead the Lady Bulldogs who e\·ened their record at 2-2. East Central held a 44-33 a thalftime.


East Central's Amanda LaCraze takes a shot aga~ • e son opener The East Cen– tral women stand at 4-0 on the season after beating

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