ECCC honors wo en A long ttme ngo, 111 .1 lonJ bdo11.•


AI the time thq pl.l} cd n ne l the women thou ht about ,,h thl men rcccl\ 1. d ttl: r fl 1 pia 111~· port.; and tht < ut1t .:ud l.oubvillc'~ PeltS) Dumg.1n Cl,uk, cl member of the 1960 team \\c d1d it because'' e enJO edit M1ss \'\ood \\ d an msptration to all of uc;, not onl) m the -.pom, but e"e'1 Mecl of tampu" life It "as c;omethmg \\ e'll never torg~t. ''\\''-' appreciate tl t.: I Lt r-;, but the expt•nt-nce \\a the 11.'\\ clniIll£ thing." "It dtdn't reall} ~ lllr mmd that much," Debomh \I om nod Duncan of Philadelphio ., td. "Occa.;innally, you thought about the guy... got thi.., and that, but Wl' played becau.,e \\ c l\Jved it," Not that there wen:n't some ndvantage!:i belause of those condi– tions. "There wasn't the p~ sure the kids have now to hav to rform,' Duncan said. "\\e JU"t had more camaraderie than thos~ kids th.1t are on scholarships_ "Who could torget that old ym and what it was lik1• to pia~ I e> can shU hear the echoes tn 1, ~

t.1te tttle, beating He hnab Amazingly, the won \\ ith a bnsketb, from csh0ba Central a ECj did not (.l\\ n a kt•tb.rll.•. onl ones fit

there w clS Title IX, .... Ollll'n's b.lskct– b,ul d1dn't ~: 1 t for tnmc or fortune. The nthletl's dld11't by C\ en rccc1 \ c scholar- Marty ship Stamper 01 ~·)nwthing ,,.., simple n letters !->lgnllym~ tl1.1t they hild m lad pl.tycd collt·gc sports lor the1r school. The) wore honwmadt.• unitonns and fumisht>d LhcJr O\\ n !'ocks .md shoes and pa1d for their uwn meals on road trip \\hat th\lSl' ladies did pl.ty for wa.., the1r great love pf thl gge honored it!> womcn'o., b.l~­ ketball player lrom l'·l'ib 75 during homeconung Cl'H'mnnu.~o., in Od'-'b'-•r b) prcscntmg them with the rc letter:; indict~ting wh.lt they accomph hcd during their timl' h~rc. Fonner l·CJC (a it wao., then known) coach ludll WlkXl, ~>till a member of the ~l hool's statf and holder of more stall' l h;unpion.,hips than an) utlwr w.11.h in the ..,choul's 75-year hi!:ttory, gladly hc1ndcd out the long overdue Jctt~rs to her lor– mer plnvcrc;.

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'MSC\\ ll·d thl' " Stnll: llr Oil· ~hss. Colh•gc pl,l\ ed durj 1960.., and 1970 hi year."

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