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right-field wall. The base dearing hit gave the Warriors a 4-2 lead, after they trailed the Uons 2-1 over the first 4 1/2 innings. "'This is a big rivalry, Ea-.t Central and Scooba have always been big rivals. Wilson said. "I knew 1 had to step in because in 1 :e other two games, J haven't done very good. I hw a little extra strength today." ECCC first baseman Ty "'r Rogers added a RBI single in U1e fifth for a 5-2lt d before EMCC could get out of the inJling. The Warriors pressed 1eir advantage in the botlom o~ the sixth inning ~'locking in three runs, on four Juts. and one Uom; :rror for an 8-2 advan– tage. ECCC second baseman Jake 1\fester led off the sixth with a double, and third baseman Justin Darby followed with an inlieJd sing t! to put runners at the corners. Warriors designated hitter Destin Moore drove Nester in from third bas~ with a single to right field. and Wilson picked up his fourth RBI of the game \\ith a single that ~cored Darby. ECCC catcher Jacob Townsed capped the three-
By Tony Krausz assistant sports editor
'Il1e word for the East Central Community Col– lege Warriors for the Rush Classic baseball tourna– ment was perfect. The Warriors entered the three-day tournament at Scaggs Field wilh a spotless 4-0 record, and the squad from Decatur left with a 7-0 record picking up a 12-4 wiu over the East Mississippi Community College Lions (2-5) on Monday. ''It's early in the year, and we are playing some pretly good ball," said ECCC head baseball coach JAke Yarborough. ''It ls good for us to play against these good caliber teams. We are competing and hit– ting balls well right now." Lions right fielder VanWilson led the way for his squad in the decisive end of tournament game. 'l11c West Lauderdale graduate sparkled in the baUer's box going 4-for-4 in the win, with two sin– gles, a double and a three-run homer. The right fielder's round trip blast tilted the scale in ECCC's favor in the fifth inning. Wilson approached the plate with one out and runner:-. on first and second when he smashed EMCC starting pitcher Ryan Clay's offering over the
perfect mark run inning driving in Moore with a sacrifice fly to righl fit:ld . ."We ~:m· work<·d hard in th~: off:-;casoo,'' Wilson satd. "We had a lol of J)('np!e doubting us from last year, becau~e East Ct.>ntml didn't have a very good record. W~ have a Jut ot frl'~hlli
- on crui.:;t: control of EMCC m the opening four innings ofthe contest _ The right hamler irorn [>t>.Kalb High School effec– tively shut down ECCC':. oHen:,e allowing just one run, unearned. on fivt> hits over the opening innings of the game. "(Clay) did a good job in the first three or four
See Warriors Page 83
Warriors From Page 81 innings," Yarborough said. "He kept the ball down and mixed
up speeds." RBis. and Moore. catcher Nester went 3-for-6 at the Jacob Townsed and Rogers plate for the Warriors, with two each recorded RBis in the win.
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