u at Morton lligh School, has signed a nation- Colle~e in Decatur. Lewis. 5' 11 "point guard, 1ws selected most valuable player in the Scott

Andrew Lelfis, a standout

a/letter ofintent with East Centro G was named All-District and All-Co Count) Tournament. The neu fJarn r

-n during a -ecent signing ceremofT)' at ECCC with hi~ mother, Wanda H(a~on, and {slalidmf!Jrom left) Derrick Fears, ECCC assistant men's bas- tball coach and Bill\ mzth £CCC n ens head baskc·b,lll coach. (EC Photo)

LAKE .'ESSE GER ------------------- SCOTT COU TY TIMES ------ - U 10 APPEAL _____ ___ _ WI STO COUNTY JOURNAL - --– SP IRIT OF MORTON ~-------

CARTHAGINIAN ---------------- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT --------- NE~ONRECORD _ _ _______ MERIDIAN STAR------– CLARION-LEDGER - --------

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