ECCC All-Stars help lead South squads to victory East Central Community College bas– as head coach.
The score was tied 41-41 at haltime. Prior to the rnatchup, Jermaine Willis of Holmes won the slam-dunk competition. In the women's game, Foley, a product ofNewton County High School, had 10 points for the South, which rolled to an easy 90-67 win. Tinia Burns of Copiah-Lincoln v..as the leading scorer with 21 points and was chosen most valuable player. Other scorers were Adosha Kelly of Pearl River, 11; Shaquita Smith of Copiah-Lincoln, 10: Nake}a Downing of Southwest, eight M) eisha Mmgo of Gulf Coast and Colette Bartee of Jone . seven each: Jancs1 "\ev.some of Pearl River and Monique CO\\arlS .o. GulfCoast. fhe each: Tara Abdul-Hadi of outh\\est. four; and ....,ha\\ana Co eman ofHmds mo. G_ '\ Cop ah-L ncoln
-~ball standouts Corey Hornsby, Donzell renshaw and Tamekia Foley played key roles ., I eading their respective All-Star squads to .1ctory in the annual MACJC AU-Star Games 1eld Friday night at Choctaw Central High School. Hornsby, a product of Istrouma High School in Baton Rouge, La., had 13 points for the South squad, which outscored the North All-Stars 101-88. Crenshaw, of Ridgeway H1gh School m \1cmphis, played one of his bes~ Jcfe"lsh e games and added two points. Ja_'Dn c.o t of Copiah-Lincoln led the So :h \\ th _3 pomts and received most valu– Other South point makers
Pnsctlla BerT) of ...ed of "Mississippi
lmes, e -en, of Hoh cs five: Angelica
Dennis Sims of Co-Lin sen ed as head
four: Lisa Moore of , PO\\ e of Ea:.t Candace ptre of
Coahoma sen. ed as
-!-39 l halftime. the \IACJC All-Star a e East Central t_ College, Pepsi. ilver Star Resort and Casmo and the \hs!:>Issippi Band of Chaeta\\ lndians.
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n=ton of Coahoma ~en ed .
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