WEEK OF MlltC h J 1 JUCO .LUI-Star ba ketball games scheduled April 11: East Central sends three players
~ South women s roster ~ - l•'ha Burns ~bquna
'\orthwest. James Washington of Coahoma is head coach. The South men's team mcludes Jerernie Collier and Jason Scol'!. both of Copiab-Lincoln; Core} Hornsby and Donzell Crensha''· both of East Central; Chns ~food} and Davy Easterling, both of Gulf Coast: Mario Tyler, Hmds, Lee J KLrkpatnck, Jones; Grad} Wilhs. ~1eridian; Yandell Brovv'tl and Justin Miller, both of Pearl Rtver, and Willie Depron, Southwest. !)enniS Sims of Copiah– Lincoln is head coach. Coaches' chmcs are sched– uled pnor to All-Star games and will be held at the S1Jver Star Resort and Casino. Sharon Fanning. head coach of the Misstss!ppl State University Lady Bulldogs. ts the featured speaker at the 3 p.m. session, and Mike LaPlante. men's head basket– ball coach at Jacksonville State t:nnerstty, w; ilJ address the group at 4 p .m. East Central Community College in Decatur, Pepsi, Silver Star Resort and the Mississippi Band of Choctaw lndians serve as sponsors for the All-Star games. For more information con– tact ECCC head basketball coaches Brad Hodge (ext. 372) or Billy Smith (ext. 243), Phone 635-2111 or call toll free, 1-877-462-3222.
:ruth 3.Dd Amte Bec~on all of Coy ab-Lmcoln. Tamekia ~ole}. E25t Cenrral: Myetsha ~iingo and t on -'-e Cowans, both of Gulf Coasr ShJ\\ana Coleman. Hinds. Cole·.: Bartee, Jones: Audosha :·ell) and Jauest '\ewsome. both of Pearl Rl\ er; and :1\akeya Downmg o~nd Tara Abdui-Hadt, both of ~th""est. G'')ll Young of Co-Lin .~ ~ead coach. Members of the orth rn.::r team are Tanunus Brown and James Thomas. both of Coahoma; Tremechte harts. East ~1isstssippi: Sandrell Spann and Jermaine Willis, both of Holmes; O'Bnen Lowe and Roy Hazzle, both of ltawamba; Kelly Scarver and Qumtarrius Hodges. both of Delta; Taylor Rocker, Northeast: and Marcus Avant and Jason Dunn, both of
Misstssippt Assoct:!· Community and Jumor Co e ~es All-Star Games take tllace FndJ~ April 11 at Chocta,., · en :ral H gh School in Chocta'"- ~ f Tip-off for the women·s game is set for 6 p.m.. ~ .::h tbt men's contest scheduled at p m Members of the ~or.h women·s team mclude Jenn1fer Nelson, Coahoma; Yolanda Thomas. Dorecious Powe and Candace Spires, all of East Mississipp1; Melissa Winters and Katunia Levey, both of Holmes; Saprina Reed, Mississippi Delta; Priscilla Berry, Lisa Moore and Latoye Davison, all of Northeast; and Angelica Graham, Northwest. Shirley Artis of Coahoma is head coach.
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