WEEK OF Plltch 3 EC Warriors, Lady Warriors set sights on Region 23 Tourney
Hornsby Jed all scorers with 32 pomts. Other point makers were Crensha\\, 21; Dewaync Hughes ofSebastopol and Qualls, 14 each; Mason, 12; and Martm and Jones, two each. Antonio Shaw ofAbbeville and Reggie Gaddis of Madison, Wiscon ·m. had 21 points each to led Northwest. which improved to 19-8. The Rangers led 44-37 at half– time. The Lady Warriors fell to Misstssippi Delta 61-51 in first– round actton. Tamekta Foley of Newton County Jed EC \\lth 21 points. Also scoring "'ere Adrian Washington of Carrollton (Ala.) High School, nine; Muunda Rosar of "'Jcshoba Central, . Pats; McKee of Fore..,1.. ft-.... Ktmyana Vverette of Lake and Ebone·e Leverette of Fore~t. four each; and Britney Burk!) of Scott Central, two. Kiona \v illtams had 13 points to lead the Lady Trojans. who unpro\cd to 19-7. Delta held a 32-22 advantage at the break. Co-Lin defeated Southwest to win the women's state title.
Community College 69-63 in first– round action of the state tourna– ment, and were clipped 99-97 in overtime by Northwest Mississippi Community College in the serni-fmals. Corey Hornsby, a product of Istrouma High School, in Baton Rouge, La., bad 22 points to lead EC against Holmes. Also scoring were Demario Qualls of Newton, 14; Donzell Crenshaw of Ridgeway High School in Memphis, TN, 11; Desmond Jones of Neshoba Central, 10; Brandon Mason of North Dale High School m Baton Rouge, eight; and Jamaal Martin of Northeast Lauderdale, four. Marcus Hines of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, pumped in 17 points to lead Holmes, which dropped to 20-5. The Bulldogs held a 31-26 advantage at halftime. In the overtime loss to Northwest. Crenshaw 's drh'ing lay-up as ttme expired mis~ed the mad:. ~endmg the Range~ to the final::. with eventual champion Pearl River Cren.sha\\ nt the conte:-t to the extra period after his rv. o free tbron s knotted the :.core at "- .S at the end of regulatton.
East Central Community College's Warriors and Lady Warriors have now set their sights on the Region 23 Basketball Tournament. scheduled March 3-6 at Mississ1ppi College in Clinton, following participation in last week's MACJC Tournament held at Copiah-Lmcoln Community College in Wesson The ECCC men, 15-11 under second-year head coach Bill Smith. begm competition by chal– lenging Holme:- Community College at 8 p.m. Monday The winner "' ill meet the Pearl River Southwe.. r \JC'tor in a semi– fma l matcbup at 3 p .m. Wednesday. Finab are 'et for 8 p.m. Thur ·day. The Lady Wamors, who .spor.t a 15-10 record under econd-year bead mentor Brad Hodge \\111 meet Southwest MJ":.isstppi Community College at 3 p.m. Tuesday in first-round acuon. The winner will take on the \\1nner of the ltawambaiDeha matcbup at 6 p.m. Wednesda~ 10 the ..emi– finals. Finals are ct for 6 p m. Thursday State Tourney Result The \\ arrior:. defeated Holmes
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