II II I Copiah-Lincoln wins state, region JUCO te.ri.iiis titles
By Mart y Stamper EMG sports assistant Depth is important in any sport. Tennis is no exception. Copiah-Uncoln captured first place in both the MACJC State and NJCAA Region 23 Women's Tennis Tour na– ments held at Northeast Tennis Center this weekend. The three-day event wrapped up Sunday with Co-Lin's Lady Wolves having 33 points. Meridian was second with 25 followed by Itawamba with 18. Completing the 10-team field were Hinds and Pearl River with eight points each, Jones with six, East Cen-
of the Year. "You get ner ves and you never know if your seeding is going to go through. The seeded here was on the nose because everyone that was seeded No. 1 won." Both Co-Lin and MCC will go to the NJCAA national tournament at College Station, Texas, on May 2. "This is our fifth year in a row to go," Smith said. "It's been in Arizona and we're glad to go to Texas so we won't have to fly. It'll be a new atrno~ phere. Arizona was over 100 degrees every day last year and that's awfully
tral with four, and Holmes with one. Gulf Coast and Southwest did not win an event. MCC took championships in No.1 and No. 2 singles and No. 1 doubles. Co-Un claimed the other six events to capture the learn championship. Co-Lin's success was no surprise. The Lady Wolves were 17-0 in dual matches heading into the tournament. "We were hoping to do well because at the state tournament, there are so many things," said Co-Lin's Brenda Smith, who was named Coach
MACJC Stote/NJCAA Region 23 Tennis Tournament at Northe,- at Tennis Center Final Results
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See Co.Lin Page 83
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Co-Lin From Page 81
won it and with a few a few breaks, it could have gone either way," MCC coach Wanda McPhail said...Co-Lin has a tremendous team and they're just strong from top to bottom. We would have had to have gotten some very lucky breaks. ll would have had to have been like the parting of the Red Sea, but I'm r<.'al proud of all of them. "I'm extremely proud of my girls at the top spot~. They had some tough matches today and pulled them out. They've been successful there all year. Char-
lotte went into the tournament with a 16-1 record and Mcg<1n came in l4 3 Their doubles team was 14-3. "They did what tJtey'rc sup– posed to do and the other girls did their job and added points up and kept us in it. Because of their efforts through the bottom, we came up with a No. 2 and a chance to go to the national tournament. "A ;hance to go to the nationals is just icing on thE' Z: cak(. If I'm correct MCC last ) went as a team in 1992. We're just very. very excited."
MCC's Jill Hathorn 6-1, 6-0 Co-Lin also won two of the three doubles championships. MCC s Heidelberg and Chivas beat Co-Lin's Phillips and Adams in the No. 1 dou– bles 7-6, 7-6. In No. 2 doubles. Co-Lin's Phillips and Barr bl·at MCC's Bailey and Amanda Carden 6-4, 6-4. In No. 3 doubles, Co·l.in's McBride and Matthews defeated ltawamba's Nikki Crane and Kristen Cother 6-l, 3-6, 6-4. "We've have loved to have
Charlotte Heidelberg defeated Co-Lin's Lindsey Phillips 6-4, 6- 3. In No. 2 s ingles, MCC's Megan Chivas bested Co-Lin's Hollie Adams 6-2, 6-1. In No.3 singles, Co-Lin's Bethany Barr beat Pearl River's Leslie Miller 6-3. 6-1. In No. 4 singles, Co-Lin's Jessica Phillips defeated MCC's Anna Bailey 6-1, 6-2. In No. 5 singles, Co-Lin's Kim McBride beat Itawamba's Nikki Crane 6- 2, 6-3. ln No. 6 singles, Co-Lin's Ashley Matthews defeated
harsh. Being at College Station is going to be good for the Mis– sissippi schools because it will be like our environment and be a little more player friendly for us." Co-Lin entered Sunday's play with a 27-22 lead over MCC and outscored the Lady Eagles 6-3 in the championship matches. Co-Lin placed in all nine finals matches, while MCC was only in six. In No. 1 singles, MCC's
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