- I in, ·women, lead JUCO ten • I S
By Marty Stamper EMG sports assistant
Three schools were within two points of the lead at the end of the first day in the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior College State/Region 23 Division II Tennis Tournament which is being held at Northeast Tennis Center. Ten teams are competing in the event hosted by · Meridian Community College. Copiah-Uncoln led at the end of Friday's play with 11 points. Itawamba was second with 10, while Meridian was in third place with nine. Also competing are Hinds LL (7), Pearl River (6}, Jones (4), East Central (3), 0 . Holmes (1), Gulf Coast (0), and Southwest (0). Action resumes today at 10:30 a.m. with singles ~ finals set for 9:30 a.m. and doubles at 11 a.m. on W Sunday. W Co-Lin has qualified for the semifinal round in eight 3: of the nine events. Meridian and Itawamba have qual- ified in six events each, while Pearl River has qualified in four. The teams compete in six groups of singles play and three groups of doubles play. "We've got a three-day tournament and Saturday's play will begin to really shape things up," Meridian coach Wanda McPhail said. "Co-Lin has someone still playing in every bracket and we have someone in ever ything except the No.5 singles. ltawamba still bas several people in the brackets. "As we begin to eliminate people (today), things will really begin to shape up. The top two teams will advance to (NJCAA) nationals at College Station, Texas, May 3. We'd love to win this tournament, but second isn't bad. We just want to go to nationals if wt• can. The girls have workt·d hard 'There are a lot of locnl girls playing in this, not all ul them for MCC. Brituey l't·t ~ Whilak«~r frolll Ju111~s played h(•r high St.'honl ll'nnis 111 Meridian."
MACJC State/NJCAA Region 23 Division II Women's Tennis Tournament at Northeast Tennis Center
First-Day Scores Copiah-Lincoln ltawamba Meridian Htnds Pearl Rtver Jones East Central Holmes Miss. Gulf Coast Southwest
11 10
9 7 6 4 3 1 0 0
In No. 1 singles qunrtcdiriul irllt'td~t;s, Go·l.ln' East Central holding softball tryouts l)gCA'nJR- HCtst Cenlrtll Cunununily Culh.:gc will hold try– out~ for the J:uly \\'arrior fnst·pitch s.ofthnlltea111 Munday, M 1 ~0 ~...Jz ~ w z ~ 5 ~ Cl):::> a..o..::::: (1)0 a_zu.... ~ u a..:::-::0-z_ O..<{UZ>Cl. <{...JCI):::>;:>CI)
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