Newton County Students Named to Who's Who at ECCC These East Central C9mmunity College students from Newton County were selected for inclusion in :the 2002 edition of Who's Who in Among Students in American Junior Colleges. Students are selected for the prestigious honor bas~d on their academic achievement, service to the community, leadership in extracur.: ricular activities and potential for continued success. The Newton County sopho 1 - mores join an elite group of students from more than 1,400 institutions of higher learning in all SO states, the District of Columbia and sev~ral foreign nations. Front row, from left, are Heather Cater, Decatur; Charlene Foreman, Little Rock; and Ashley Jones and Megan Logan, both of Newton. Second row, from left, are David Burt, Newton; Lindsey Cheatham and Nathan Stamper, both of Decatur; Kristen Rice, Newton; and Hillary Cotton, Decatur. Back row, from left, are Damien Wash, Hickory; Chris Carson, Decatur; Jake Alexander, Little Rock; and Dinah Howell, Decatur. Not pictured are Whitney Harris of Decatur, Stephen Sykes of Lawrence and Leslie Vance of Union. (EC Photo)

APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY ~ES ____ _ _ UNION APPEAL _.j ~:....:::;:_ _______ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_____________


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