WEEK OF ;J~ Fch &< \\'arrior Season Ends; Lady \ arriors Prepare for State Tourney
Ea$t Central Commumty ege s Wamor:. led throughout of Thursday's matchup '' ith Communny College. but the ,....,.,,..,...... ..,~ Bulldogs took control m the = mmutel> and came away with a 1-66 natl-bner to end East Central's season. A wm over Hmds would bave gt\en the Warriors a .500 sea– son and a trip to the MACJC Tourna– ment, scheduled February 25-28 at Itawamba Communi ty College in Fulton. Instead, the Bulldogs ad– vance to the post-season and EC will have to settle for a 10-12 mark under ftrst-year head coach Billy Smith. The Warriors fmished 5-7 in division play. J ames Denson, a former standout at Choctaw Central, led the Wamors wtth 18 pomts. Also sconng were Wmfred Craig of Louisville, 14; Corey Hornsby oflstrouma (La.) High School, 13; Maunce English ofUnion,
had 23 pomts to lead the Lad} Bull– dogs. who fell to 1-21 East Central had a 38-22 ad– vantage at the break. SOPH0~10RES HONORED Sophomores on the Wamor and Lady \Varnor teams were hon– ored between games Thursday night, with special recogmuon given to former Lady Warnor La'Shonda "Smurf" Ford of Forest, who was killed in an automoblle accident on May II, 200 I . "Smurf' was a fresh– man on last year's squad, which won the Region 23 Tournament and ad– vanced to the NJCAA Tournament in Salina, Kansas. Her mother, Carolyn Ford Nettles, was presented a rose by Coach Hodge a nd assistant Toby Bush, and was later embraced by coaches and team members at mtd– court. Warrior sophomores are Maurice English of Union, Wmfred Craig ofLouisville, Marke1th BrO\\ n ofJackson Provine, James Denson of Choctaw Central, and Clmt Hatch of Carthage. Lady Warrior sophomores are Shelly Giddings of Untversal (Penn.) City H igh School, Lort CumberlandofLeake Academy.!'-:lkk.i LaCour ofNatchitoches (La.) Central. Christina Ford o f Enterprise and Trelisa Eichelberger ofNoxapater Hornsby pumped m 32 points to lead East Central to a I06- 10 I overtime thnller over Pearl Ri" er Communiry College February I m Poplar\ tile. Other scorers \\ere Denson. 2:; Cratg. 19. KennBobbtttofL:U.:e. I~. Crensha\\. e1gbt: Engh.sh, three: and Qualls, rv.o. The ;;core \\ ac: deadlocked at 92-9:! at the endofr~lauon The Wtldcats led 19-25 at ilie brea'·. In the \\Omen's contest, EC fell Ti-62 to the host Lady Wtldcats Pomt makers for Ea-t Cen– tral were LaCour. I . Cumberland, 10. Eichelberger and BrO\\ n. e1ght each: and Ben and Giddmgs. three each. Pearl Rtver held a -t0-2J ad– vantage at halftime. WARRIORS CUP PRC INOT;WOMENFAIL
rrior Face _·n ,::;rate Tourney
ed:les6\ .
nine; Donze! CrenshawofRidgeway ..re ~heduled at 6 p.m. (Tenn.) High School, stx; Clint Hatch
n-~'~=· Fe rua.~ 18.
ofCarthage, four; and DemanoQualls
Ql)er \\O~n squads partici- ofNewton, two. ·e~ ah-Lrncoln (South# 1 Edward Mack of Jackson Holmes {:\orth #4 seedf, ~ad 21 points to lead Hinds, which ~ . or.h =2} and Pearl River 1D1proved to !3-9 . • ,.J East Central held a 36-27 ad- The fOur-day tournament vantage at halftime. . . th men's competition on The Lady Warn~rs had ltttle ··•~'uu'"· Febru 3 f) 25 and is being trouble ~isposing ofthe Hm~s women .unDa Commwlity College and crutsed to an 81-65 vtctory be–
hind the 26-point effort of Ntkki LaCour, a product of Natchitoches (La.) Central. East Central completed the regular seasonwith a 13-9 overall mark and a 7-5 diviston record under ftrst– year head coach Brad Hodge. The Lady Wamors begm first-round ac– tion in the MACJC Tournament on Tuesday In additton to LaCour, other scorers \\-ere LonCwnbu land ofLC".ike Academy, 11; Tamekta Foley of}:ew– ton County and Christma Ford ofEn– terprise. I0 each: Ashley BrO\\ n of Scott Central, eight; 1 relt~a Eichelberger of Noxapater. s1x .. Mehnda Ben ofChoctaw Central and Shell} Gtddmgs ol Umverstty Cuy (Pa) Htgh School, four each; and Shanek3 Ctstrunk ofLoutsvtlle, two. ~h:~Rnntla V • .'t•lrh nfG:mtiPr
LAKE MESSE G E ~-------------- SCOTI COU TY Tl \ ES__________ UNION APPEAL ______ _ _ _ \NINSTON COUNTY JOU RNAL,___ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ "-._. .=.;..._ ___ _
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