WEEK OF /l f:eb -& 2..
·ors take pair of wins • EC men , ~tississippi ~ College j\ 77: Behind James ba<;ketltt.all Den'- n ... 34 points, the \\ r... knocked off the \ ...., ....... ppl College junior var– in the final 1:15 to reserve the win. EC, 11-7 overall and 5-3 in the division, got 26 points from LaCour, 16 from
team at Ointon on Feb. 4. Maunce English added 13 \\mfred Craig scored lule Donzel Crenshaw and Kenn Bobbitt had five jo... h Ada1r had 18 for MC • EC ,., omen 72, Copiah– Lady \\amors "tunned the 14th– ranked Ladv Wolves Thur...dav in Decatur. Co-Lin led 30-23 at half– time, but EC u-.ed a 49-36 ad\ antage in the second half to knock the Lady Wolves out of fir..,t place in the l\1AQC South Division. Trmhng 50-47 with just 0\er mne minutes left, the Lad\ \'\am s went on Christina Ford, 14 from Lori Cumberland, six from Shelly Giddings, and five from Ashley Brown. . Co-Lin (16-2, 6-2) got 20 points from Tiania Bur!b, 12 from Lmdsay Altman, and 10 from Christy Bro\\ n. • EC men 77, Copiah– Lincoln 64: The \ Varriors used a 13-0 run in the second half to take their win over the Wolves. EC led 5:!-53 ~·ith just over 11 minutes to play before reeling oft 13 unan– swered point:> to go up 67-53 with 6:37 showing. Corey Horn.sbr led EC, 8- 10 overall and 3-5 in the divi– sion, with 24 points. Winfred Craig scored 19, Maurice English had 11, James Denson nine, and Donzcl Crenshaw seven. Co-Lin (6-12, 3-5) got 15 points from Bruce Sm1th and 14 from Jason Scott. APPEAR=J ~ CARTHAGINIAN______ _ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NEWTON RECORD_______ MERIDIAN STAR_ ______ CLARION-LEDGER.______ LAKE , ESS = , G = ~-------- SCOTI CO TY - 1,' ES_ _ _ _ _ _ UNION AP?EAL ___ _____ WINSTO COU TY JOURNAL___ SPIRIT OF , ORTO
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