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s:::.o--: T: e· ~ogers followed with a high fly to left field. The ~.:.:e cer os: ~r e oall off of the bat and Roger ended up w1th an ~- ~s~a R3 •r p e Chad Loper knocked in Rogers with a double to -a· e ue sco•e ..l-2 Adam McCurdy s1ngled in Loper to give East :::-··a a 5-: eac after five innings of play. - - e ,\a·· o·s added another run in the sixth when Nester scored on a - : ::-1 Rogers They expanded their lead to 7-2 in the seventh -- -; .·. nen Dee Hornsburger doubled and stole th ird . The throw to ·- ·: .•.em nto the outfield and Hornsbu rger was able to score easily. ::as· • ss ss,ppi started a come back in the eighth by scoring four -~-s .·.- :a- :g; 2002 The Meridian Star All Rights Reserved. hnp : ''"" mendianstar.com meridianstar'myarticles.asp?P=484491 &S=584&PubiD=788... 2, 25. 2002
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