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/&'~ ::)T. PATRICK CATHOLIC SCHOOL ·-- ___ .' Where Faith and Knowledge Meet
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Online from Eastern Mississippi- www.meridianstar.com
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Monday, February 25, 2002
I LOCAL SPORTS ECCC downs EMCC 3, q,an Satcher/staff writer =eo 2.! 2002
,•, ~a: a c fference a day makes. On Friday East Central Community -:s· ;o ... ones Junior College and East Mississippi took a big win over ·-e Eag es of Mendian Community College. ::- Sa:..Jraa; the results changed for both teams as East Central took a- 8· ~ extra- nning wtn over the Lions of East Mississippi in the seco-c cay of the Rush Classic at Scaggs Field on the campus of . e- c a- Community College. --e :.a" ors olew a 7-2 lead in the final two innings, but came back ·:: ::;_:a 'l.i .... on the board and take the win. :.e co.; o nave folded but we bounced back and pulled it through ," sac East Central coach Jake Yarborough . "It wasn't a really well ::; a_.ec ga,.,e bur there was a lot of pressure and we needed that sa·;. r th e year I think it wtll help us out later on down the road ." - re ~ ons took an early lead in the second inning when J.D . Harbour s!a--:ec the nntng with a single. Chase Spencer then hit what looked e a double-play ball but the pitcher fielded the ball and threw wild ;o secora a owtng the runner to move to third. Ashley Chism missed a sc~eeze Dun! to get Harbour tagged out, but Spencer hustled all ·-e .·. a, '·of"'"l '"rsr base to third base during the rundown. Chism --ace wO 'o' :he m1stake by grounding to second and getting the run - ·::: ~a"\e :-e score 1-0. Eas· Ce-:·a : ec ;ne game up tn the top of the third inning. Jake ~.es·e· ;o: o- .•, tr a smgle and stole second base. Ttmothy Fieber ::: :: ,•. e::: ,•, :- a ;;;-oundball to first base. The pttcher was late covenng a-c ·-e-w---e· oea; the toss to first. The pitcher then turned and ·-·e .·. ·-e :::a :-, '"'9 lO get the runner gotng home. Nester was safe at -o~e as ~-e :-·o.·. sa ed over the catcher's head and to the fence. --: --- : ec :-e ga-re • - 1 --e _ o-s :oo• ::>ac-< :re eao m the bottom ofthe thtrd . Wade :. - :a . ergo: 2 :-,\0-0ut Single and scored when Chad Carlson's fly to • g-· :.as c·o;:>;:>ec 'or a three-base error The Ltons stranded Perry at ;n,rd Dut too<. ;re 2-1 leaa
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East Central exploded for four runs in the fifth tnning . Nester reached on an error. Fteber followed with a single that scored Nester from
http: \\'\\ ,,·.meridianstar.com/meridianstar/myarticles.asp?P=484491 &S=584&PubiD=788... 2/25/2002
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