WEEK OF 1 TCV'"\ Q ========~~----------------~------ ECCC Lady War r iors, Warr·o s Begin 2002 Action At Ita\\ramba
league·stop defen'J\ e umt nl o ~ .::: 62 2 points per contest East Central' \\ amors 4-5 overall and 0-1 111 kague pia) for first-yea• head mcmor Htll~ Smith, posted a 68-67 cliff-hanger 0\er I tawamba mthl.! same EC C(' I ouma– ment. Coach Sm11h also rcallZI~S his team faces an uplull battle agamstthe Indians, who are 7 1 overall under former HCCC head coach l\1m1; Coo- per. "It w11l obviously be much harder to beat Ita\\ amba on the1r own coun. It w1ll be our fir~t game after the break and \\e ''ill defimtely face a tough challenge. However. l knO\\ we will play hard and put forth om best effon," Coach Sm1tl1 ~aid. Regardmg h1s team· s 4-5 record, Snuth eonmtented. "Although I am not happ) with our won-loss record, I ampleased w11h the m1provements '' e ha\ e made smce our first game. Hopefully we can keep gettmg better as the season con– tinues. We have 13 games rcmammg
East Central Conlmumt'. Q)l–
sure of bemg the defendmg regJOn ch2.mp on:., etc.- this team has done a fanrarue" JOb of purung themselves mto a good posmon to start the ne\\ }ear Ho"ever. you are only as good as )OUT next game. What has hap– pened thu:. far will not put us in the tate tournament or m the region tour– nament. \\"tth dtvision play picking up th1s semester and us going on the road for I\\ o tough non-division games, we could easily be sitt::;g at .5('£'1 at the stan of February- and playing good basketball. The schedule gets very dtfficult th1s :.emester, the South Di– ' tston b so strong thts year with Ca– Lm undefeated. Pearl Ri\'er off to a ood::otart Southwest and GulfCoast - both are \ef) talented. and Jones is \\ell coached and plays extremely hard. There '' 111 ne,·er be a night we n pia~ poorl::r and still have a chance to \\'ln. but hopefully this team is pre– pared ~ r the challenge. Our sopho– more leaders will have to continue to lead th1s team as they have so far this sea~on," Hodge commented. Sophomore Nikki LaCour of ~atchitoches, La., leads the Lady Warrior offensive attack by averag– mg 17.4 points per game. She tallied a career-h1gh 42 points during an 81-7 1 thumpmg of visiting Gulf Coast on ~o\ember19. Other top scorers are sopho– more Chri:.tma FordofEnterpnse, who ts 3\ eragmg I0.6 pomts and seven rebounds. and fre~hman Belinda t · l– terofMonroe, L:l Pon~ 1s a,·eraging 10 1 pomts and ~Jx rebounds per con– te t and has three ~locked shots The EC "omen sport the
\ege ba~ketball teams\\ be gumun, for aS\\ eep oflta ~'llmh3 Comm rut) Colle6e \\hen 2 2c mpem on ,ets– undeP\ a~ Thur d mght on the Fulton c:unp TbcL D 'ts on acuon under fir:.t-)ear bead coach Brad Hodge. ed .... ed the Lad lruhans.59-5 in the £CCC lm Ut na on ovem– ~-~r 20 Coach Hod.• sad th Lad) Warnors ,,,n h:l\ -e a tou.:-h asst'!lllll{'nt defeaung me 6- • > lndJans a sec–
on then own
Pro\'ine. ''hoba\era: _ per game and h::!s 2 assiSts The Lad~ \\'amor:. and \\am agam be on the road \.~on coun said. pleasea \'lth in200' .PPEARED I CARTHAGINIAN________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NE~ONRECORD~------ MERIDIAN STAR__,. 4 '(______ CLARION-LEDGER.______ AKE MESSENGER______ _ _ COTT COUNTY TIMES_____ _ 'NION APPEAL -------- viNSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ _ PIRIT OF MORTON---'-Y>--=-----– !EWTON MESSENGER
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