WEEK OF /L./ Jalluar~ :).G&2
- ::S a - G • Coa
69-56 East
C 1-64 Pea RIVer 74· 6- Gu f Coast 76-63, Jones. i'B~s-· :.1anon Institute, 79·76; ortheast, 75-57. GAMES REMAINING - Jan. 14 Delta; Jan. 17, at ltawamba; Jan. 21, Holmes; Jan. 24, Coa– homa; Jan. 28, at Northwest; Feb. 4 , Northeast; Feb. 7, at Delta; Feb. 11, ltawamba; Feb. 14, at Holmes· Feb. 18, at Coa– homa Feb 21, Northwest; Feb. 26-27, State Tourney; Mar. 5·8, Region Tourney. • Jones (5-4) WINS (5) - Holmes, 71·61; ltawamba, 74-55; Holmes, 74- 57; East MISSISSippi, 78-67; Southwest, 77·65. LOSSES (4) - East MISSIS· sippi, 84-80; Hinds, 73·50 Meridian, 89·85; ltawamba 78- 61. GAMES REMAINING -Jan 14, at Pearl River· Jan 17 Gu t Coast; Jan. 22. East Centra Jan. 24, at Co-l n. Jan 28 Meridian; Jan. 31 Sou•hv.est Feb. 4, at Hinds· Feh 7 Pear River; Feb. 11 at G Coa t Feb 14, at East Ce ra F b 18, Co-lin; Feb 25 7 S• e Tournament; Mar -6 R Tournament. UNREPORTED G ES- 10, at Nort we -Compiled by Ryan Satcher
tOSSES 4)- Holmes, 79-69, - .... ~ ~, -66; Southwest, ,;s a arT'ba, 59-53. GA ES REMAINING - Jan. 12 a· -Su Eunice; Jan. 14, at :::~~al1 Q er; Jan. 17, Gulf Coast; Ja". 22. East Central; Jan. 24, at Co-L1n Jan. 31, Southwest, ceb. 4 at Hinds; Feb. 7, Pearl R1ver Feb. 11, at Gulf Coast; Feb. 14, at East Central; Feb. 1 8 Co-Lin; Feb. 25-27, State Tournament; Mar. 4-6, Reg10nal Tournament. UNREPORTED GAMES- Jan. 10, at North.west. ' MEN Meridian (8-9) WINS (8)- Coahoma, 100-83; East Mississippi, 66-64; Lawson State, 71-49; Wallace-Selma, 91-90; Coahoma, 79-75; Wal– lace-Selma, 81-77; Lawson State, 77-63; Jones, 89·85. LOSSES (9)- Southern Union, 101-89; Bevill State, 94·79; Southwest Tennessee 104-69; Alabama Southern, 81-71; Southern Union, 80-57; Bevill
State, Alabama Southern, 93-72; East Missis– Sippi, 89-83; Shelton State, 83- 76. GAMES REMAINING - Jan. 15, at Mary Holmes: Jan. 19, Southwest Tennessee; Jan. 22, Northeast Mississippi; Jan. 26, Southern Shreveport; Jan. 28, at Jones County; Jan. 31, Bossier Pansh; Feb. 7, Delgado; Feb. 14. at Bossier Pansh; Feb. 16, at Southern Shreveport; Feb. 21, at Delgado; Feb. 25, Mary Holmes; March 6, Region 23 Tournament. East Central (4-6) WINS (4) - East Mississippi, 71-64; Holmes, 70-65; ltawamba, 68-67; Mississippi Delta, 77-71. LOSSES (6) - Holmes, 81-57; Northeast, 96-86; Mississippi Delta, 83-76; Gulf Coast, 95-76; Northwest, 92-84; ltawamba, 73-72. GAMES REMAINING - Jan. 14, at Co-Lin; Jan. 17, South– west Mississippi; Jan. 22, at Jones; Jan. 24, Pearl River; Jan. 28, at Hinds; Jan. 31 , at Gulf 74-61:
CARTHAGINIAN______ _ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_________ NE~ONRECORD ___________ MERIDIAN STAR.__ ).._...=------- CLARION-LEDGER___________
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