. East Central Comm
baseball coach Jake now has signed lQ pi optimistic that the coming m will help "Our hittmg sh improved with th1 ern"'"', ough said "\\eh \e last year or h\O ofte \ ) are really gomg to str~o; with this bunch \\e ha\ t
t t.!
small stuff at the plated e The signees include f ur p a) ers who were invoh cd m :recent all t baseball games. Robby Carey of e'' ton Count} High is a catcher cooung m forth Wa~riors. Jacob Da\ ts ts expeded
ECCC. to host cheerleading camp
From special reports to tmprove the tC'am speed The Area cheerleaders will shortstop from BiloXl a o h1t have an opportunity to learn around .370 last season the latest cheers, chants and Michael Dunn IS expe ted •o dance routines by attending work out at third. He bat \ the annual East Central . ~00 last season with Pa g' u Community College Cheer- }tm Tally of Moore\ rl1e \\ ill1t P leader Camp scheduled July fully give the Warners anoth, r "-10 on the Decatur campus.
sponsor, East Central Com· munity College, P. 0. Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327, Phone 635-2111 or call to ll free, 1-877-462-3222, ext. 310. Her email address is cunderwood@eccc.cc.ms.us.
Instruction tor the three– day camp \\ill be provided from 8:.30 .1.m. to 3 p.m. by mcmbt>rs of the 2002-2003 ECCC Warrior chcerlcading squad . Cost IS $60 per p.uticipant. For more mformahon con– tact Carne Underwood,
good arm. He wa.., 19.{) at Cia State Champion Moore' ille H Yarborough abo ha m ' talented player:.'' ithin the d t that he expect:> to help th t improve. Hunter Holly of Philadelp ra signed, as i~ Brent McMillan jeremy Tune of Newton Htgh outfielders Gabe SnO\\ and Kent Eiland of Louisville. Wes Turner ,md Jncob Towns both of Neshobcl Cenlr.1l, wiJl p oa for thCWarnors. Turner 1 shorhtop/pilchcr while Tt.lwnse will work al calchcr. Van Wilson, an oulfiddt•r fr m West Lauderdale is signed as wcl as Drew McGhee of Wall'r Vallev. Chris Middlelon is a right-handed pitcher ::;igncd from Vicksburg Destin Moore of Ko~ciusko 1s a fir~t baseman / outfielder while Jonathan Sigriss of Scott Central i~ al~o signed. Drew Kenna of Forest "ill work at third and fir~t. The lone out-of--;tate ignec 1:> Dexter Spellers from Louisiana.
Along with improving hitttng, Yarborough expect:; the signecs to J heir, on defense. 'Our defense was solid last year, l but the new arms will juc;t impro\e--------– ~ on that," said Yarborough. "This is a good group, but the l question is how hard can they________ \ work," he said. "We arc really going•NAL to push ourselves in the off<;e<1stm. \ ------ ~ The fall is an important ttme and_________ we are going to work hard 1nd t, ke no shortcuts."
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