TUNE SIGNS WITH ECCC Newton High School's Jeremy Tun~ reoemt) sJgned on to play baseball next season with the East Central Community Col ege Diamond Wamors. Tune, an outfielder, had an AII-Distict season this year at Newton. He also reaev-t:d t."le Trgers' Golden Glove Award. He is shown here during the sign1ng ceremony with h1s parems Debb e a"Xl Stweart Tune, and (standing from left) Tiger head baseball coach Edd•e P1erce anc ECCCass stant baseball coach Patrick Robey.
Irons set as ECCC golf aoor prize A set ofTitleist 762 iron~ await£ one participant in the East Central CommunitY CoUe(!'e '' arrior Golf Classic scheduled for Saturday, June 22 on tlit: Azalea course at the award-win– ning Dancing Rabbit Golf Clubon the Pearl River Resor t near Philadelphia. The set of iron"- a $400value- h. lhe grand door prize for the event. sp '"" red br the ECCC Alumni Association and being held to raise :>eholar~hip funds for students plan- ning to attend the tv.o-year college in Decatur. Prizes will also
be awarded to the top three teams in the four-per-.on ,.,cramble, which gets underway at 9 a.m. with a shotgun -.tan. Registration begins at 8 a.m. on the Azalea cour..e. A trophy will also be awarded to the winning corporate team. Entry fee b $125 per person and
includes green fee, golf cart. tournament T-shirt, a box lunch and the opporturuty to win additional door prizes. A reception AF for tournament sponsors and participants concludes the day's activities. LJ For more information contact Stacey Hollingsworth, 5 Office of Foundation and Alumni Relations, East Central f Community College, P. 0 . Box 129, Decatur, MS 38327, Ul Phone 635-2111 or call toll free, 1-877-462-3222, ext. 327. Her e-mail address is sholling@eccc.cc.ms.us. 'I' - school r eports 5 IKI I Ut' MUI'( I UN ----------------------
NESHOBADEMO~C-RA __T __________ NEWTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR .-::::-.....----------- CLARION-LEDGER________
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