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Meridian Star
The East Central CC Warrior baseball team is on a bad end of long shde. The Wamors dropped their 11th straight game on Monday mght falling to East Mississippi in the Judge' s Cup 4-3 on a bottom of the n1nth s1ngle by Josh Snider.
East Central is now 9-24 on the season. It's last two losses have come on game-ending RBI hits.
- Jeff Byrd
Glaze known here
Jones Junior College head baseball coach Bobby Glaze is in his 12th season with the Bobcats. He graduated from Newton High School in 1971 and played at now-defunct Clarke College in Newton before continuing his career at Mississippi College where he was selected Most Valuable Player. Glaze coached five years at Newton and 10 at R H Watkins High School in Laurel. His prep record for the 15 years was 184-152.
-Marty Stamper
Oswalt hurled
Houston Astros pitcher Roy Oswalt pitched two years at Holmes Community College and appeared in the Region 23 Division I Tournament at Meridian Community College.
- Marty Stamper
Women staying put
Salina, Kan., has been chosen to host the NJCAA Division I Women's Basketball National Championship three more years after its current contract expires in 2003.
Bryan, Texas, and Northeastern Colorado also bid for the event.
-Marty Stamper
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