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Meridian Star
~ -. Adrertise I~ r•• iuctss II ~~ The Star
East Mississ ippi Lady Lions eye first place, host role ~ ~::>..... s:.r repor.s ;..;y. .- 2002
--....:: Eas1M ss.ss1pp1 Lady L10ns are Sitting 1n first place in the IISSISS pp Junior College North Div1s1on standings.
Coacn Pam Moore s team is 12-2 in league action. They head to '.' ssss pp1Delta for two games on Thursday.
• .'Je re gong to finrsh no worse than second. Northeast is a game :let~ 'XI us and ltawamba is a game behind them," Moore said. "' i.'"'e Laay L1ons w in the North Division, they will earn the right to '"ost tne State and Region 23 Softball Tournament. The problem is, "'"' - ','a-. S:.a- ~ ECCC ~00Qi1 t-e http://www.meridianstar.commend.Janstar m~ arndes.asp??=-!99: 7::.&: S= 5 ~&?>-biD=S 10 I & .! l "' :-;~
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