ECCC Warriors Basketball recap ECCC \\ arrior , Lad~ In women's action. the Warriors and Lady War- halftime. Warrior~ Drop Decision At Shelton State
Lady Warriors were hop– tng for a season sweep O\ er therr Tuscaloosa op– ponent but such was not rhe case as EC was outscored 60-51 and saw 1ts record dtp to 3-3 on the :·oung season. • op scorers for EC were Rtta Btrden ofSt. Fredrick H1gh School in Monroe. La.. 19; Tamekia Foley of Newton Count). 13; Br.tney Burks of Scott Central. ntne: and Kimyatta \ n erette of Lake. six. The Lady Buccaneer:; led 26-24 at halft1me. East Central defeated Shelton State ~2- 80 in ovemme on ~ovember ~ m Decatur. ECCC Lady Warriors, Warri~rs Thump East ).tississippi Squads East Central Community College basketball teams c laimed the tr second sweep of rival East Mis– sissippi Community Col– lege this season, as tht;
riors crutsed to \ 1ctories ECCC's women posted a Thursday,No,ember21 in 67-61 victory and tm– Scooba. 'The EC men. led proved to 4-3. while the b) Corey llornsbys 24 Lady Lions fell to 3-4 pomts, rolled to a 70-58 Lady Warrior scorers were win as they tmproved to 3- Rita Birden ofSt. Frednck 4 on the young season High SchOol in Monroe. while the L10ns dropped to La.. 15; Kimyatta Viver- 1-6. ette of Lake and Tamekia In additi on to Hornsby, a Foley of Newton County, sophomo re P.roduct of 13 each; Patsy McKee of lstrouma High School in Forest, nine: Lenore Gray Baton Rouge, La .. other of ~ewton, seven; EC scorers were Brandon Mon1que Q,·erstreet of Mason ofNorth Dale High South Leake and ~1randa School. also in Baton Rosar ofNeshoba Central. Rouge. 12. Demano four each: and Bntney Qualls 01 '\'ewton and Burks of Scott Central. 2. Jamaal Martm of North- East Misstssippl held a 30- east Lauderdale. c1ght 29 ad\antage at the break. each: Desmond Jones of Easr Centralts hostmg its
After dropping an earher fi\ie-point loss to Shelton State Community College. East Central Communn~ Colleges \\ arrior~ \\ere looking to a\ cnge the S9- 84 setback on November 7 but thdr efforts fell short as the Buccaneers rallted for a 92-85 wm in O\Cr– t ime Monday night 10 Tuscaloosa. EC. \\ hich held a slim 3 - 36 lead at the break. fell Core) Hornsby. a product of lstrouma High School in Baton Rouge. La.. led tht! Warriors v. ith 22 poinr~. Other scorers \\ere Demario Qualb of ~C\\- to 2-4 O\crall. Sophomore-
l\:eshoba Central. s ix: Kevin Bobbitt ofLake and AI Willis of "'Jewton County, three each; and DonLe11 Crenshaw of Ridgeway Htgh School in Memphis, Tehn., and Will Florence and Colt Aldison, both of North Delta Academy, two each. f:ast Central led 37-28 at
annual pre-Thanhui\ mg tournament on ~tonday, November 25 and Tues– day, NO\·ember 26. featur– ing teams from Jones County, Itawamba. Holmes and ECCC. Both EC squads close out 2002 competition hosting Pearl River Community College on Thursday, December 5.
J ton, 17; Brandon Mason of North Dale High School in Baton Rouge. 14: Jamaal Martin of Northeast Lau- derdale, mne; and Donzell Crenshaw of Ridgeway High School in Memphts. Tenn., eight each: Stephen Dyess of Northeast Lau– derdale, '>tx; AI Wtllis of Newton County, three; and Reggtc Carter of Univer- sity Chnsttan. Dewayne Hughe ot Sebastopol and Desmond Jones of eshoba Cent ra l, two each. The nondtvlSion matchup APPE v.as tied 75-75 at the end LAKE ofregulatton.
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