WEEK OF ...;..=t:R_:;........;;;.,c__ L{_;_____
s CC and Holmes
Martin with 13, Brandon Mason with 10, De mond Jone::. and Demario Qualls with nine each, Donze) Crenshaw with six, and 0~\\ ay ne Hughes with five. Kevin O'Brian Lowe had 17 points for Itawamba( \\ hich tell to 5-2. EC led 39-go at halftime. • EC women 68, Holmes 60: The EC women, behind Tamekia Foley's 19 points, posted an ctght-point win and are 6-3. Also scoring for the Lady Warriors were Rita Birden with 17 points, Kimyatta Viverette with 14, and Britney Burks with eight. Holmes got 14 from Megan Colona, 12 trom Marv Iimms, and 11 from Latrice Rone. EC led 38-26 at halftime. • EC men 76, Holmes 63: Led by Corcv Hornsby'., 20 pomlS, the Warriors held ott the Bulldogs for the '\ov. 26 win to improve to 5- 4. Other EC scorer::. were Donzell Crcwn<>haw with 15 points, Mario Qualls \\ ith J 3, Desmond Jones with 12, Brandon Mason with nine, and Jamaal Martin with SIX. Holmec:; led 32-30 at the break. Jermaine Willis led the Bulldogs, 6-3, with 16 points.
East Centra C mum C ege 'ept Ita\'> amba and Holmes m basketball action prior to the Thank::; \ · ng b~ak. l ht Lady \ arrior~ 1mproved to 6-3, \'\ hile tht? \\amors upped their record to 5-4. f he Wt1rri0rs and Lady\ arnorn conclude 2002 competition bv ho.;;ting Pearl River on I hursday. Game times are 6 p.m. for the women's contest w1th m~n's action sched– uled at 8 p.m. • EC women 61, Itawamba 50: The Lady Warrior~ improved to 5-1 \\ ith the r\ov. 25 win f enore Gray of Newton led EC \Vith 20 points Rita Birden .;;cored 10 points, I
APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTTCOUNTY~ES ___________ UNION APPEAL 'i:::d_ ....~.,. ___________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.___ SPIRIT OF MORTON____________
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