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2002-03 ECCC Lady Warriors Members of the 2002-03 Elm Central Communit) College 11 omen j basketball ream are (first T'Ol\ from left) Adrian Washington. Carrollton (A la.) Htgh School; \farquuu 4nderson Scou Cemral· Kzm)ar:a Filerer:e Lake; Ebonc 1 e Lew?retle and Pats_\ HcKee borh ofForest and Lenore Grm \eM to second nrn from lefi) Momque 0v r u South l ,.. Bruney BliT'f:S ron H a Birden, St Frederick 11/gh School \lonroe Ln Tamekza Foil!) \ewton Count) Me Clux1m Cenrral,Andrea Chesney. Newton Countv Academy; and \ltranda R ,,~,n \eslzoba Centra • rol\ jrom lefT, Brad Hodge head coach. student assistants Tekeyla Singleton oj Scott Central and A hJ Temeka Drummond. Megan Logammd Shay Moncrief. all ofNewton. and Bets) Harns asmtmlt coac to)
School m \1onroe, La.; Hope a '-10 -::uard fom·ard from West Andrea Chesney. a 6-foot for– C\\'ton County Academy. he does not antlctpate the rs to bJ\ e a fast stan. -r do not expect us to get out of the gates ear ' \\ e "til probabl~ expenence some bumps ong the wa) :1nd \\til no doubt ha\e some highs :md I0\\5 m the carl} go ng The most tmponant thmg is to get th1s team read~ for division oil~ ... Hodge satd Bets; Hams, a former swndout at the Lm,·crstty of Alabama and Dc~atur H1gh School, begms her first year as I lodge's asststant. ,
mtsm," as the team's success ""111 depend greatly on h1s freshmen. \\hie he describes as bctng a .., cry talented group\\ 1th a lot ofathlettct>m." First-year pia} crs are Adnan Washington. a 5-11 fomard from Carrollton. Ala.: ~1tranda Roo;er, a 5-11 forward from :\eshoba Centr.ll; Marquita Anderson, a 5-5 guard and Bntne} Burks, a 5-9 ~ a.ud both from Scon Cenrral: Ktmyatta \ 1\Creue, a 6- foot guard fomard from Lake, l::bohc'c Le,erenc, a 6-foot fomard from Forest. Lenore Gra). a 6-1 fon\O:Jrd from :'\c\\ ton: Momque 0\crstrect, a 5-11 guard fon1ard from South Leake; Rtta B1rdcn, a S-1 0 guard from St. Frcdnck
stellar careers at Misstsstppt College, Northeast MISSISStpp1 Community College and Tretc\ am H1gh School in Memphis, begms hts first season as Smith's assistant. Brod Hodge, \\hO IS tn h1s second sea– son as Ladv Warnor head coach, has three returnee.; from last }Car's team, \\h ch OO\'anced to the ~tate and regton– al tOUI1\JJtlCntS en route to a 14-11 record T.1mek1a Folc}, a 5-10 guard Niltd from NC\\10n Cour~. IS the IC!Id ng retummg scorer '' 1th about •tx pomts per contc t Other returnees ate Patsy \1eKce a '-10 gu.1 d "r.>m Forest, and ~kltnua Ben. a 5-I 0 guard fom.mltrum Chucto.m Central. llodgc sa1d he 1s approachmg the upcommg season wuh "cautious opt1-
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