East Central set to
·2002-03 ECCC Warriors Members ofthe 2002-03 East Central Commu111ty College mens basketball ream are (first ro" from left} AI Willis, Newton County, Jamaal Martin, Northeast Lauderdale; Tellas Burnside, Philadelphia; Ke\·in Bobbitt, Lake;Dwayne Hughes. Sebastopol: and Will Florence, North Delta Academy; (second ro~v, from left) pemario Qualls, Newton; Reggie Carter;-lJniversity Ghristian; Dome/ Crenshaw, Ridgeway High School, Memphis. Tenn.; Corey Hornsby, Istrouma High School in Baton Rouge, La ; Brandon Mason, North Dale High School, Baton Rouge, Chris ~forgan, Swne Coumy· Colt Aldrson ,\orth Delta Academ}. and Desmond Jones, Neshoba Central; and (back ro~': from left student assrstan:s Tim \forgan ofLake and wren:o White III ofQuuman; Derrzck Fears. asststalll coach Bill\ Snmh hrod coach and s:udent assutan: UJn') Burr OJ Seshoba Central. (EC Photo)
\\'til Florence. a 6-foot guard from ~onh Delta: and Demano Qualls, a 6- foot guard from ~e\\10n Freshmen are Tellas Bumstde, .1 5-10 guard from Pluladelphta: Reggte Caner, a 6-4 forv.ard from L.ruversity Chrisnan; Stephen Dyess. a 6-3 guard and J arnaal M anin, a 5-11 guard, both from ortheast Lauderdale; Dewayne Hughes, a 5-9 guard from Sebastopol, Desmond Jones, a 6-2 forward from Neshoba Central; Brandon Mason, a 6-5 forward from North Dale High School in Baton Rouge, La.; Chris Morgan, a 6-7 center from Stone County; AI Willis, a 5-9 guard from Newton County; and Colt Aldison, a 6-4 forward from North Delta. Derrick Fears, who played profession- al basketball in Portugal and had
freSL.-nen ctm get ad;us:cd to the jt:ntor ro ege _arne \\e '' U be 'ef) under– itted -'ld \\111 ha' e to rei) on fu\1 cour. pres.iUre to tlC rompetm\-e \\ e \\111 aho !x dependent on our qute nc'' ...,d shoourg ab1ht~ ;o ha\e succe~s. ,.... 1h SJ!d Corey Homsb}. a 6-3 guJrd from lsrrouma H1gh School m Baton Rou;e. La. 1s the top retumee.'averag– lng :!I pomts per contest He also made the All-State squad last season and was selected the Warriors' top offensi\e player. Donz.ell Crenshav., a 6-3 guard from Ridgeway High School m Memphis, is also a returning starter. Other sophomores are Kevin Bobbitt, a 6-foot guard from Lake; Reggie Carter, a 6-4 forward from University Christian;
Bas e~ball >e!l.SOll gets un.::e·– ''a) Fnda), ~o\cmber I for Ea:.< Central Conunumty Col e;e's \\::rrnors and L:.tdy Wamors who bc;i.r• :ne :!00:- 03 campll,On at \hss·~stppt De\u Commumty College m 11.1oorhe3d Both squads "'til also be on the ro:id ~o' ember -t at ltawamt-l.. \\1t:O me first home action scheduled 11'ursd.1~, No\ ember- a,:.. "~I SheltOI' St:ne B I) muh 1 s \Jrnors feature Sl>. sophomores trom last ye.l! s squad. wh1ch posted a I 0-12 O\Crall mark and was 5-7 m outh DI\.ISIOn ac11on Coach Smith, v.ho begms h1s second year at the Warnor helm, sa1d the returnees play a key role in the team's success. "Our sophomores will be called on to carry the team until the
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