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guy hits a bloop. What kind I say." The bloop Migliacio (5-5) was referring to was a single to left
Continued from page 1 B
, but when it went over it was the by pinch-hitter Tim Wheeler 1 best feeling," Dellenger said. He that scored Dellenger, who had said he saw a hanging curveball begun the inning with a single. and just tried to hit it hard. The Bulldogs scratched one "I wasn't going back to the run out in the first inning. : dugout with my bat," he said. Darrius Brown led the game off 1 "So I was making contact for with a hard single up the mid– ' sure." dle. A pair of groundouts moved : Gulf Coast coach Cooper Brown to third where Trae :Farris said Dellenger 's homer Duncan brought him in with ! didn't surprise him at all. single for a 1-0 Bulldog lead. ' "Dellegner didn't have any The Warrior offense finally i home runs this year, but he has woke up in the fourth inning. :been hurt all year," Farris said. Kent Chamblee got the :"He hit five for us last year and Warriors' first hit of the game I hit about .380. He is just now with a single to center but was getting healthy again - he thrown out at second trying to '! broke his arm." stretch it to a double. The game was a pitching duel Brent Page followed with a I for the first nine innings as Gulf walk and Toby Pinson reached Coast's Roy Corcoran and East when he was hit by a pitch. I Central's Monty Migliacio Justin Webb then ripped a dou– 'l matched each other pitch-for- ble down the left field line to pitch. push Page across to knot the , It is the sixth time that score at 1-1. Pinson then scored 1 Corcoran has beaten East on a Corcoran wild pitch for a 2- Central over the past two years. 1 ECCC lead. "He's never given up more Gulf Coast, now 32-18 on the : than three runs," Clark said. season, tied the game at 2-2 "He's just been dominating." thanks to a solo homer by Chris Clark said be wasn't sur- Broadus in the sixth. prised at all that the game was ECCC, 20-28, answered in close. the bottom of the inning when "I've been battling those guys Patrick Ferris singled and later for 13 years and it seems like scored on a Gulf Coast error to they are always 1-0, 2-1 or extra put the Warriors up 3-2. innings - they are always After Gulf Coast tied the ; tough," East Central coach game in the nint h, the Bulldogs : Jamie Clark said. "They always took the 6-3 lead in the top of : throw their best guy atlUS, we the lOth on Dellenger's three– ' always throw our best guy at run homer. :them." East Central rallied in the : While Corcoran got the win to bottom of the lOth, picking up a : move to 9-3 on the year, single run on a pop fly bases– ' Migliacio also pitched a gem. loaded single by Justin Webb. , "The kid pitched his heart Alec Gibson then got the last out," Clark said of his right- hitter to line out to center with , handed freshman. "Maybe I the bases loaded to pick up his 1 could have done something dif- seventh save on the season. ferent as a coach, may a player ECCC returns to action at 1 could have done something dif- p.m. today when the Warriors ferent- I don't know. It's over." face Mississippi Delta, while believe his team lost the game, P arish at 7 p.m. MCC and ' strike away from winning in the ~~r!h;:.tc~:~~~sippi meet in- ~ "It's just unreal," he said. Meridian Star. E-mail him at ~"Two outs, ones~:~..:. ~~~~:-!?! .... a~~~~@meridianstar.com. Migliacio said it was hard to Gulf Coast takes on Bossier Austin Bishop is a staff writer for The -
opener By Austin Bishop The Meridlan Star Kenny Dellen~er has immaculate timin,ll. The ophomore ripped
GuHCoast 6 ECCC 4
his fir;;t homer of the season in the top of the lOth inning to lead Missi:,sippt Gulf Coast to a 6-4 win over East Central Community College 1n the first round of the ReJ.rlon 23 Tournament on Thur::.da) night The three-run homer
capped off a comeback win that saw the Bulldog,., score a run in the top of the ninth just to foree extra innings. "' really didn't think it was going out,
See Warriors, Page 38
·----- - --when the Warriors were just one
--- --- ---', top of the ninth.
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