By MARTY STA~PEP Democrat Sporrs EJ·zor
1996 - Delgado 13, East Central 5 Holmes 5, East Central 3 (EC finished 31-21) 1997 - East Central12, Gulf Coast 1 Mississippi Delta 12, East Central 8 Meridian 9, East Central 6 (EC finished 40-18) 1998 -East Central10, East Mississippi 0
East Central Community Colle~e baseball coach Jamie Clark knows his team's role m the Rerion 23 Division I Tournament which hegins Thursday at Meridian Communi- t) College -~ ....._~ "Three teams appear to have a ~~ really go~d chance to win it, on ~ ~ • paper - Meridian, Bossier Parish, ~ and Gulf Coast," Clark said. "The - r three East Central, Missis- ppl Delta, and Northeast Mississippi would have to play really well to have a shot. ··we·re going over there with. the idea of win– em_ that first game. We're not worried about Fnda) and Saturday. If we're fortunate to win t ii.--st one, then we'll turn our attention to second game." It will be the fifth straight year the Warriors qualified for the regional with last year's rt:nner-up fmish being their best showing. EC, ~0-27, opens play on Thursday at 7 p.m. z on .Mi:.;;issippi Gulf Coast, 31-18. The W Delgado 6, East Central 4 Mendian 3, East Central 1 (EC fimshed 32-22) 1999 - Delgado 9, East Central1 East Central 13, Gulf Coast 5 East Central 7, Northeast 3 Delgado 8, East Central 6 (EC finished 28-27) "We've been playing a lot of intrasquad games," Clark said. For the year, the Warriors are batting just .264. That number sags to a puny .177 over the Warriora' last 10 games of which they went 1-9. • re ~ m 1,..ht :.op omores out of the nine hitters and most of them htt a lot better last year than this year," Clark said. "We haven't changed our hitting philosophy. We haven't changed out batting practice schedules. I don't know what it is. "Nobody plays harder than we do. We run the bases hard. We're not suffering from a lack of effort." Designated hitter Toby Pinson leads EC with a .368 batting average. Freshman left fielder Kent Chamblee is batting .343, followed by cen– ter fielder Brent Page ( .295, 5 HR), first base– man Justin Webb (.295, 3 HR), second baseman Spence Latimer ( .28 1), pitcher/first baseman/designated hitter Monty Migliacio (.268), utility infielder Justin Stovall (. 255), shortstop Chuck Welch (.247), outfielder Patrick Ferris (.236), pitcher/right fi elder Jayeson McDonald (.234), third baseman Judd Sanborr (.209), catcher Josh !fardy (.183), and catche1 Kris Moore (.154). The Warriors have an .891 team fielding per centage and a 6.50 team ERA. Other EC pitchers likely to see action an Judson Nowell (4-0, 7.53), Allen Buckley (1-5 5.68 ), Brandon Fish (2-4 , 9.20), a nd Mari< Migliacio (1-5, 5.24). Other games Thursday have Bossier Parish and N ... h~>ast Mississippi meeting at 1 p.m. with Meridinn, 39- · AP LA sc Uf\ WI SP NE
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